Living Hope ~ Within The Valleys of Life ...

Living Hope ~ Within The Valleys of Life ...

Hebrews 11:6 ~ And Without faith it is impossible to Please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.?

Abba Father good morning ~ Living affirmation; The undeniable faithfulness of The Lord Our God’s existence is abundantly breathing protective promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. This day is fully engageable. Intimately created, uniquely designed, and purposefully put in motion displaying the protective promises of engageable agape love within The Lord Our God. Heaven above engaging within all of life. Every moment overflowing with an abundance of living hope directing our life toward heaven above. We can look at all of life uniquely made with unexplainable characteristics. Varieties of endless designs from sunrise to sunset and throughout the night surrounding our life wherever we go. Engageable living affirmation within The Lord Our God. All of life is actively breathing purpose, sustainable worth, thriving passion. This amazing creation of life is acknowledging Our Living God is alive, actively real, faithfully in-control, and has unique purpose for our life. Everyone has living hope to engage everyday hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties of life. As our life lives going through the valleys of life; we will enter on a downslide at various speeds of slipping, sliding, uncertainty. Filled with worldly fears, hurts, worries, thoughts, anxiety. Our life will feel what is about to come into our life ~ the duration within the valleys of life will be unknown. The width of each valley is created uniquely differently. Some of the thickest terrains in life are within those valleys of life. Worldly terrains attempting to entangle our life within isolation, hopelessness, worthlessness while instilling feelings of fear, desperation, panic, depression. Worldly valleys of confusion of what to do, where to turn, who to trust. The ways of this world is a deep valley, an entangling thicket feeding its growth on life’s brokenness. Feasting on hardships, burdens, weariness, pains of everyday living. Coming out of the valleys of life can be the hardest, most challenging, and ascension will not be easy. It takes courage to reach out. Boldness to climb. Fearlessness to perseverance. It will take our life to keep moving forward. Every step forward is building endurance as we witness what is left behind. What we have worked so hard to achieve within perseverance. Where it all started. Our life can reflect on how far we have come, journeyed, and the thickets traveled. Our life must be living alert, staying focused on what lies ahead. Every moment within every valley our life is never alone, forsaken, or abandoned. The Lord Our God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace is actively alive within every valley of life. Heavenly gifts breathing living hope. New life within the Holy Spirit engaging life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). The Lord Our God’s protective promises breathing everlasting life in heaven cheering, motivating, providing needed strength to continue moving forward and not live giving up. Free-gifts from heaven above flowing endlessly within every moment of life. Engageable gifts within a life of living faith; heavenly faith willingly living believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Living faith engaging everlasting life in heaven within living hope to move forward one step at time. Faith helping our life to continue the hard climb within perseverance. Ascending one moment at a time. One step at a time. Not giving up when it gets overwhelming. Our life living persevering. Then there is a moment. A moment where the valley becomes n engageable a horizon. A moment our life is released from the confining entanglement of the worldly valleys of darkness. A moment where living hope becomes heavenly real: agape love embracing all worldly rejection, sacrificial forgiveness releasing all sinfulness, protective promise of everlasting life in heaven untangling all the ways of this world. All engageable within the new horizon breathing new life within the valleys of life. Living faith; heavenly faith is living sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Our life must purposefully live alert among/within the valleys of the ways of this world. Our life will have a choice to live within heavenly faith within The Lord Our God. A choice to live believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Lord Christ Jesus. A choice to live forgiven within sacrificial forgiveness. A choice to live within the protective guidance within the Holy Spirit. It will be our choice to live believing, accepting, trusting, following within living faith. Our choices, our decisions, our way of life will reflect how our life perseveres within this day. Becoming part of our life affecting our way of life. Living within heavenly faith among the ways of this world will challenge our beliefs. Our way of life. Our intimacy within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Our living faithfulness within The Lord Our God will not go unnoticed. Our perseverance gets stronger and stronger as our life lives staying in prayer, reading the bible, fellowshipping openly, and attending church. Heavenly faith will intimately open our heart, our mind, our soul to live within all the cleansing, redeeming, restorational free-gifts of life-changing undeserved grace. Engageable heavenly gifts breathing living hope; new life into all life’s brokenness. Our life living persevering within the life-changing goodness of engaging living life at its very best within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.?

Father ~ Thank you for my life. I have a passionate love growing deeper and deeper within my heart, my mind, my soul. Every moment of my life thriving abundantly within every sunrise breathing living hope. Every sunset actively displaying undeniable faithfulness. Every night radiating engageable protective promises. Abba Father ~ I am living thankful, living grateful, and living cherishing our intimate friendship. I will need help living within perseverance. Teaching my life how to live persevering within everlasting life in heaven. Helping my life actively live persevering within you forever and ever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner

Helen Hudson

Retired at Interior Health

7 个月

Absolutely beautiful photo of God shining his like upon the world Michael.

Johan C Kluyts

Sole Member at Kluyts Projects

7 个月

Yes Lord, Amen

Jerry Poi

Project Manager

7 个月

Thanks for sharing

Mulindwa Kevin

Army of God children's charity

7 个月



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