Living in a heightened state of anxiety
Michael Romeling
Helping those who want to challenge business expectations and exceed them.
Beware of the auto pilot syndrome!
Our minds are a great piece of kit allowing us to tackle many issues day in, day out whilst also maintaining our internal bodily functions with a touch of “The Repair Shop” flung in for good measure.
The problem is that we become less aware of what really is going on with our wellbeing because we are fundamentally running on our Neo-Cortex auto pilot, blocking out all manner of issues and behaviours that are integrated into our daily routines thereby becoming “us” which is the new norm.
When recently helping a dynamic team to seek to learn new super team behaviours in line with our “Truly Amazing” Programme I/they became aware of their well-developed internal skill of dealing with, and in most cases blocking out, the signs of heightened anxiety with all the toxic outcomes that can go hand in hand with this emotional state.
Only when we allowed the team to reflect on their coping strategies developed over many years, did they appreciate that just because you can, doesn’t mean you should ignore the effects that internally managing such emotions can do to your body, mind and ultimately your wellbeing over a prolonged timescale.
What was interesting was that when we taught the team members to detox from these emotions rather than cope with them, they felt more aware, invigorated and able to think and behave differently which made a significant difference to their problem-solving abilities and?leadership alike.
So coping is great short term.?However learning to detox and create new neural pathways to deal with stress/anxiety is to be preferred for future wellbeing and performance.