"Living the Freedom Lifestyle: A Journey of Breathwork, Connection, and Transformation"
Nicholas de Castella
From my 30 years' experience, I train coaches, healers & health professionals by equipping them with powerful tools to enhance their well-being, amplify their impact, and live the life they love with BREATHWORK
? We're on our last day of our journey. We're sitting at the ferry terminal. I'm on Gili Air Island. Been here for just about a week. And heading back to Bali today. And having a magic time. Living the freedom lifestyle. Living what we teach. And yesterday I signed up a new client. Did the core clearing, breathwork, coach, training from our hotel room.
And so, my whole world is now my office. And there's no need for me to sit at home. So, yeah. in my little metal box on the hill in a beautiful rainforest. And so the doors are opening up more and more to the possibilities. And I think the whole world has evolved since COVID. People are so connected and aware and interconnected.
Travelling is super easy. And, yeah, we've had a fabulous time. A little sad to be heading home. I'm really very blessed and we've met so many beautiful people here in Bali and Lempongan, which is just off the coast of Bali. And, just, we've just moved from one connection to the next and often.
People so friendly and families all linking together. We've had seven massages in the last couple of weeks. So we're pretty subtle. Feeling good in our bodies. So, really happy, and I hope you're all going well. The news is that we've got a group heart centered breathwork session next Thursday night, the 10th of October.
If you scroll through , you'll see it. Profile, you'll find a link to that. You can access a free pass. It's $47 and, now it's discounted to $17
And if you're interested in becoming a breathwork coach, our next practitioner training is coming up on the 19th and 20th of October, Saturday and Sunday. It's all online and it's just an amazing course and we're getting fantastic feedback from our graduates. It's doing incredible. Beautiful healing work, pick my hands, and so this is all happening, it's a goer, and so if you are a coach, or a healer, or a health professional, or you're just starting out on your journey, if you've experienced front work, and you want to share the love, If your friends and family have set up a lifestyle helping people to heal and grow, then check us out.
Because you know, I've been a full time breathwork practitioner since 1992. So that's 32 years I've been running breathwork practitioner training since 1999. Every year, year long training, so that's 25 years. And I'm built. A whole program that's plug and play that you can get up and going super fast.
So the first step is to come and experience our gentle, heart centered approach to healing and transformation with the breath and facilitating emotional healing quickly and gently. So, love to see you next Thursday night. If you'd like to join us check out the poster. And I'll see you then. Have a great day.