Diabetes Management Medical Center
We promote healthy living and responsible Diabetes Management in Kenya.
No, you don’t! Like so many things about how you go about your life, you have choices. And although doctors or nurses might “prescribe” an exercise program for you, it is up to you if you do it.?
You can choose whether to take your pills or insulin shots or how often to prick your finger to check your blood glucose. The same thing is true for exercise, and you have to decide for yourself that it is somehow worth it for your overall health and happiness. Then it would be best if you found ways to overcome all the barriers that prevent you from exercising.?
The benefits of exercise are easy to list, and it is a long list. Exercise is good for your #heart, helps lower blood pressure, protects you against bone thinning (osteoporosis), improves your mood, and helps depression. You become more responsive to insulin when you exercise regularly, so all your pills and insulin work better. It helps lower your blood glucose and makes it easier to keep weight off.?
More than 60 years ago, the great leaders in diabetes care '#Declared' that proper management of Diabetes has three significant aspects:?
-Appropriate medication?
-Proper diet?
-Sufficient exercise?
Although exercise is recognized as a critical element in the management 'triad', many people with diabetes remain inactive.
Please..Please...PLEASE incorporate exercise into your daily life!. With sufficient exercise and diet, some people with prediabetes and Early stages of T2 can revert to a non-diabetic state in the early stages if they exercise right and lose weight. This doesn’t mean that they no longer have diabetes, but it certainly means that they may not develop the long-term complications that can make the management of Diabetes more challenging.?
Why Exercise Is Important
-Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
-Lowers blood pressure
-Lowers stress levels
-Reduces the need for insulin or drugs
-Exercise helps to normalize blood glucose
-Improving muscle strength?
-Increasing bone density and making you feel great!
Regular physical activity:
-Lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke
-Burns calories to help you lose or maintain weight
-Increases your energy for daily activities
-Helps you sleep better
-Strengthens your heart and improves your blood circulation
-Keeps your joints flexible
-Improves your balance to prevent falls
-Reduces symptoms of depression and improves the quality of life
So if exercise is so incredibly #Worthwhile, why is it so hard for many of us? Think of the benefits; Time for a regular exercise routine is now and every day.?