Living With Conflicts in the Medical Profession ? Dr.T.V.Rao MD
Living With Conflicts in the Medical Profession ?
Dr.T.V.Rao MD
During the last few decades, Indian health care system has undergone fundamental changes. The changes have made health care more complex and ethics have increasingly become a required component of clinical practice, and teaching the newer generation of Medical students continues to be an emerging challenge. Considering this, it is not surprising that many health care professionals and medical teachers suffer from stress-related disorders. Stress due to ethical dilemmas is usually referred to as "moral distress”. In the past our Medical teachers are free to exercise the best options, with progress of time we are guided by market economy and privatizations. If I look back from past to the present, we have become more comfortable physically and material possessions, but in we all face the psychological distress in order to comply with the regulations and formulations with are guided by economic balances. The aim of life should to be merry and creative to the changing needs of the society, instead of work pressures, we can create life of our own and be cheerful to the patients and students, who continue to be stake holders in our Profession, If you want to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you need to be prepared with “Positive Ways to Handle Conflict. The better life remain from conflicts to compromises, every relationship have two basic required skills: communication and compromise. Both of these are means to handle conflicts. Any relationship, whether romantic, professional or otherwise, is going to have some conflicts during its course. The key to having a successful relationship, then, isn't to avoid conflicts. Instead, it's vital to talk it out, to stay in control of your emotions and to remember that the goal is resolution, not victory. I have never seen anyone in the conflict. Many inefficient administrators live by the power of ego and authority, forget and live with past happenings, don’t bring up things that happened a month or a year ago. Even if it somehow is relevant, it only provokes anger and repressed your feelings. Eventually, if old issues or problems keep getting brought up, the original reason for the argument goes unresolved because both of you have likely forgotten about it. Conflict resolution can take many forms, but handling conflict in a positive way can help all parties relax and be more open to compromise. Exploitation has become a reason as many feel, when compared with others around, While understanding the role of the dominating group is important, as we see today in every establishment many are strong by groups and very little when evaluated as a Individual, so is understanding the exploited group, looking specifically at how it is able to resist and what goals, values and identity it has in relation to the other group, as we see in the Indian context groupism has become the reason for many conflicts in the work environment. If I look back I had few conflicts in the past as we are working with competent authority, today every action is matter of criticism, as few people mind their job seriously and only look at the others and complain as nonperformers, it was made clear that moral distress does not occur only as a consequence of institutional constraints preventing the health care giver from acting on his/her moral considerations, There are situations when the staff members do follow their moral decisions, but in doing so they clash with, e.g. legal regulations. In these cases too, moral distress occurs. The modern Doctors are more stressed with longer hours of working which can begins of conflicts in profession and personal life, as doctor's work may be objectively meaningful, but all those long hours could be taking a toll on his or her own well-being and work-home balance, according to new research. The Mayo Clinic researchers found that 44.3 percent of doctors and 55.7 of employed partners reported work-home conflicts in the last three weeks, with more work hours correlating with greater work-home conflicts. Female doctors, younger doctors, and doctors working at academic medical centres, and Teaching Hospitals seemed to be especially affected by work-home conflicts, as many researchers found. ACCEPT CONFLICT AS PART OF LIFE AND PROFESSION, GROW WITH CHALLENGES, REAMAIN TO FIGHT TO WIN, ERASE THE CONFLICTS, THE ONLY SOLUTION TO LIVE
Dr.T.V.Rao MD – Freelance writer.