Living a But-Less Life

Living a But-Less Life

Is your team full of excuses when asked why a deadline is missed?

Are excuses slowing your team's productivity?

It's time to start building an excuse-free work environment.

But, Joe, you don't understand.

But, Joe, I can't do it.

But, Joe, I don't have time.

But, Joe, they don't want me to win.

But, but, but - it doesn't matter.

Excuses are the nemesis to progress. There will be no traction when constantly standing on the shaky ground of false justifications.

Remove all but's and replace it with a reason for doing.

The reason excuses are made and we procrastinate is that we don't act with a sense of urgency. Even more, we deem other things more important than arriving at our intended destinations, aka goals and dreams.

Let's use a hypothetical example to drive this point home.

If you receive an unfortunate call that your child was injured at school, you'd drop everything you're doing and go.

If you couldn't find your keys, you wouldn't stop and sit down and say, "oh, well, it wasn't for me to get there."

No, you'd employ others to help you find your keys in order to reach your destination.

After finding your keys and your car wouldn't start, you wouldn't kick the tire and sit down and say, "See, I knew I couldn't do it."

No, you'd find out what's wrong with your car and if it couldn't be fixed quickly, you'd bum a ride or borrow someone's car to get to your intended destination.

After arriving at your injured child's location and someone said you weren't allowed to go in, you wouldn't say, "I knew it, they don't need me."

No, you'd assert yourself (friendly way of saying it ??) and wouldn't be denied access until you arrived at your intended destination.

Nothing would stop you or be more important than being there with your child.

If you'd have this type of "no excuses" mentality in regards to your goals and dreams, you'd be unstoppable.

Start living a But-Less Life - one filled with perseverance instead of excuses.

Trust you enjoyed today's Cup of Joe - a little boost of inspiration to keep the day going.



