Living with a blind fold
It took some time to weave my way through debris strewn at the construction site. My new flat was on the 9th floor and it it took some time to climb up. The flooring was yet to be completed and the POP cover was yet to go on. I was rather annoyed at some gaps in the flooring and made my architect know about it. I stepped on to the balcony for a view of the space in front and took a deep breath into the cool air blowing in. Was pleased with the decision of choosing the 9th floor and not the 1st floor that we had earlier planned.
Far below on the ground, a bunch of construction workers where busy at work. Few children where kicking around a ball made from, I guess some twine and paper. Football fever seem to be everywhere. Some mothers where working on a stove in a corner with small babies hanging from a cloth at the nearby bush. Life just seemed to be perfect.
Suddenly the winds became faster. The clouds turned dark and small drizzle of rain hit my face. I quickly moved back into my flat was going to shut the door. On a second thought, I moved back to have a look below. The mothers quickly grabbed their stove and babies all in one movement and moved themselves into a three feet high, temporary shelter that was created nearby. The children did not bother and played on with glee. The mothers did not bother to call them in. Dinner today will be late. Maybe not at all. It is just another day.
I moved back and shut the door. "Sir, where do you want to place your daughter's study" quipped my architect. I sighed and walked with him to the bedroom.
Profound !