LIVESTOCK Trailer Safety
Transporting animals over a long distance can be very stressful for both you and your livestock, but there are several things you can do to increase ensure animal safety. These safety tips include:
1. Orient Your Animals To The Trailer
First, if you own the trailer you’ll be using, take time prior to the move to make sure your animals willingly load and unload and stand quietly when in the trailer. Reward with a small amount of feed once they are inside to help them associate the trailer with positive reinforcement.
2. Vet The Hauler
If you use a commercial hauler for transporting animals, make sure it’s a reputable company with experience and good references. Ask the hauler what he or she knows about your animals’ husbandry needs while en route.
3. Separate Large & Small Animals
Because you’ll be traveling with large and small animals, panel off the larger animals from the smaller ones for protection. If you have to brake suddenly or take a sharp turn, the larger animals could accidentally step on the ruminants and cause serious injury.
4. Add Bedding To The Trailer
Bed the trailer deeply with straw or shavings. This helps cushion your animals’ feet during the ride and also acts as an absorbent for the urine and feces that will collect during a day’s worth of travel. Try your best to empty and re-bed the trailer after a day of hauling. Stagnant urine builds up ammonia fumes, which are harmful to the animals’ respiratory tracts and also destroy trailer parts.
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