Live your Purpose.
If you are unclear about your purpose, what are you doing every day? Why are you sitting where you are sitting, doing what you’re doing, living where you are living, and loving who you are loving? Why?
Don’t be concerned if the answers are not yet apparent. Some of them could take a lifetime to uncover. And, some of the answers will change. We must be willing to ask the questions over and over again. The world continues to evolve. We grow. Our lives and desires are not static. Many of us will have a number of callings during our lifetime. If we desire true satisfaction and fulfillment, we must be flexible and willing to revisit our standing in relation to our soul.
If concluding on a life purpose or calling seems too big and difficult to digest, simply consider your purpose for today. It need not be grandiose or award-winning. It only needs to be true for you.
Success or sabotage? If you are unclear about your purpose for today, how can you possibly succeed? In order to achieve goals, you must have them.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Do you have a vision for the qualities required for an “incredible day� Take a moment to list them. Set yourself up for success.