Live by Your Own Rules
“You become authentic when you are pursuing your purpose, and living your life in accordance to what you value. Even if you lack what others would define as ''success," you keep your integrity by knowing that you are acting true to yourself. This is the deepest form of honesty. You accept yourself as you are.
You do not lie to yourself to protect your ego. You work at becoming who you want to be, not what others have determined as being worthy of praise, love, or approval. Fulfillment, confidence, and self-respect come from living a life that is in line with your values.” – Michael Knight (Fundamentals of Female Dynamics)
When you show how much you value and respect yourself, you gain the admiration of others. Lead a life that you are proud of, and thus people who share your values would be proud to come into your life. Make your own rules, break them if you have to, enjoy life on your terms, set your boundaries, and never compromise your happiness to please another human (if you do it for animals that’s okay).
One of the things I like about myself is the fact that I don’t look for approval from others. I live by my own rules. People will never give you the satisfaction of thinking that you are the best. That can only come from you. The more you depend on others for your happiness, the more you drift into the dark abyss of emptiness, and that void can only be filled by you taking charge of your life.
Live by your own rules and you will never be disappointed.