Live your best life NOW!
By: Nate Jensen
(Nate is a client of mine, and contacted me recently to ask if he could write an article to publish on my website or LinkedIn about his experience working with me. The following is what he shared with me a week or so later. You can connect with Nate on LinkedIn. - Todd)
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In August 2015, I sat in a Toronto airport hotel. This particular hotel did not have wifi and given my trip was only 24-hours long, I opted to bring my iPad with me to look over emails from home. As I sat in my internet free hotel room I recall taking inventory over my life, where I was, what I was doing, how much I was earning and what I "should" be earning. I recall this self-analysis because as I sat there in that hotel room, I began to write on my notepad what I believed I should be earning, where I should be going and what I should be doing.
Fast-forward to April 2017. I had just finished my best year earning more money than ever had. I was on a plane with my wife to the Netherlands for her birthday. I was without any material debt other than my house payment and I was in a financial position that I bought what I wanted and was able to give without fear or consequence. I was living my written statement and I didn't even know it. I recall finishing 2016 off and saying to myself, I hadn't done much of the work that created the wealth I generated. I was, self-sabotaging my earning potential saying things like "there's no way I could earn that much again." Again, I was writing the script of what would soon become.
By the end of 2017, I had earned $10,000 less, was soon to be in position to be exiting that company and would set forth a path of victim-hood that would eventually lead me to misery and poverty.
I didn't know it when it was all happening both positive and negative that I was writing my own life script. I shifted responsibility to all things as environmental. It was all the doing of others both positive and negative. More negative in many ways. I was a miserable person. If given a pot of gold, I'd complain that it wasn't shiny enough. There was not a shred of gratitude in my life.
I took a job with a local organization in a role I felt I could create and build into something. I quickly learned it was not a good fit, but had, what I felt,no other option, so I stuck to it. In a time of record job growth I couldn't land a position to save my life and so with no prospects and no plan I resigned myself to my fate that this is what it will be so I better make the most of it.
I needed help.
A regular part of my job search focused on LinkedIn where I felt professionals helped each other. So I looked for someone with resume building experience who I felt could help me build a document that someone would pay attention to. That discussion turned into something so life-changing, that even a year later I look back at the events, and now armed with awareness, recognize why that call took place and what it means to me, to my family and to my personal earnings.
Todd Bauerle and I spoke on the phone in early July. My needs were as follows:
1. I wanted to earn equal to what I had earned in my best year of work.
2. I wanted to be happy because I was miserable.
3. I wanted to live on the Oregon Coast, a place that holds great value to my personal well-being.
As I look back, where I worked, I assumed would be where I needed to stay, so I felt that if that was it, I at least should be happy.
Todd didn't listen to my needs and render opinion. He didn't tell me to be realistic, he didn't think what I was looking for was unreasonable. In fact, he sat there quietly and listened. Something I needed more than anything else. He listened to what I wanted and he knew how best to help. By helping me understand I could have anything I wanted if I only worked on one
I don't think there is a person on earth today that cannot use some manner of support to help them achieve their goals and desires. There is not a person that does not have some creative potential that is burning inside of them, sometimes big, often small, but burning nonetheless that they long to do, to see, to become, yet we allow life to pass us by living only the way others’, or our own beliefs, feel we should.
I trusted what Todd told me—that I could be anything, could have anything, so long as I did the work and listened to him and what he had to offer. I trusted a stranger and it was one of the best decisions of my life.
Life teaches us to be skeptical of strangers. To trust only those who we can build close personal relationships with and to avoid outsiders. We've been taught this since we were little kids so when someone comes along and says you can have anything you want, the song sounds to good to be true and we quickly revert to our instincts that we should not trust this logic and we disconnect the line. We do this because we believe that:
a. The person is lying and just trying to take our money, or
b. There's no way I am worthy to have what I really want, so, for someone to say this to me is false (they are lying) and just trying to take our money.
So, I ask you, what do you believe?
Would you believe that you CAN have anything you want? Would you place faith in a complete stranger? Would you throw away your assumptions that there are just evildoers in the world who want to take your money and offer nothing in exchange?
I was at a position in my life where I recognized that I could either take that chance, or give up trying. I was at a crossroads.
Todd introduced me to life-changing curriculum built by the Proctor Gallagher Institute called Thinking Into Results. I knew nothing of this material, the man leading this content, Bob Proctor, or what it was designed to do, but again, I was willing to try anything to achieve happiness. Over 24-weeks I began to identify that I was not living my life, instead I was allowing life to be lived for me. I was allowing circumstances to take the helm and I was fed up with this line of thinking.
Each week, Todd and I would spend time covering the material and developing awareness that I can do anything I want, I need only put the plan into action.
I grew more in 24-weeks than I did in 39 years.
I did this because I had a coach, a mentor, a trusted adviser and a friend who believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself. I had someone who never looked at my ideas and said "that's foolish, don't do that." Instead, he inspired me, he supported me and he believed that we have unlimited potential.
There are a number of life coaches or professional development experts available today. For this, I am grateful. We often have a skewed vision of who we are and so when we can get an objective view of our results and our life it can make a huge difference in what we can become. Todd is a professional among the greats. What makes him great? He listens. Not for the paycheck, not for himself. He listens because he knows that YOU have potential and he CAN help you achieve it.
If you thought about working with Todd and didn't, you need to reconsider, CALL TODD!
If you thought about professional development and said "when I have the money" You won't ever have the money, DO IT, CALL TODD!
If you thought "I wish I could do this, or be that, or go there" CALL TODD.
You can have anything you want. I know, because I am proof. That happened because I gave into faith that the decision I was making would benefit me and my family. I'm a happier person today. I am a better father and husband because of what Todd & Thinking Into Results taught me. I'm a better employee. I'm on my way to earning more money than I previously thought possible. I'm doing this because I know I have the potential to do so. I'm doing this because I believe, just as you should that there must be a better way to live. Todd can help you find that better way.
Do you want more from life? Do you expect more? Do you want to be a happier person. Stop wasting your life, we only get one shot at it. You deserve all the happiness, wealth and abundance that life has to offer. You deserve anything you want.
Bauerle Consulting did not ask for this testimonial. Todd did not pay me to make it. I did this because I know he can make a difference in your life. I did this because I believe everyone should live their dream life, NOW!
Nate Jensen
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I want to thank Nate for his gracious words, and point out some of his factors of success. Nate made a committed decision to invest time, energy, and certainly money, into himself. He recognized something within himself that said, “This is the right course of action,” and made the leap.
Along the way, Nate put in all the effort required to change himself. He did this with faith in the process, and faith that as he changed—his results would change also—and they did.
The question isn’t if this method of change works or not. It does.
It isn’t a question of if you are able to make the change, because we all are.
It is a question whether you are willing to show up and claim the life you want. You must be willing. Nate was. Are you?
?? Director of Sales | Revenue Growth Strategist ??
5 年Anytime Todd.? Glad to be of service to you for all the service you provide me.
Nathaniel Jensen, CSE, thanks for writing this and letting me share it here on LinkedIn!