Live Well
Larry Schardt
Rock Your Life, Business, and World | Best-Selling Author | Speaker Specializing in Success, Leadership, & Inspiration | Writing Teacher | Conservation & Sustainability Professor - Penn State| Success that Rocks!
Motivation Monday
Living well . . .?
Counting down . . . 3 Days to the release of “My Runaway Summer”?
Being well . . . “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness . . .?
“I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act” (Abraham Maslow).
Today is the day God gave us. A fabulous way to show our appreciation is to do our best to live it fully . . . with love, kindness, and a giving spirit.?
If anxiety, worry, or negaholism attempt to rain on your parade . . .?Please remember to . . .?
Pause . . . Breathe . . . Appreciate . . .?
Thank you for celebrating today.?
I hope your day rocks . . . With all the joy you can pack into it.?
Peace, Love, and Rock 'n' Roll!!!
Photo thanks . . . Pixabay . . . wongyulee