LIVE TODAY! 12:00CST: Power of The People- Sometimes the Answer is as Simple as Asking “How Can I Help?
Ingrid Vanderveldt, M. Arch, MBA
Founder and CEO at Empowering a Billion Women and EBW Cares Distributors (Acq. by Shield Mfg)
LIVE TODAY: JUNETEENTH CONVERSATION with Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook @ 12-12:30CST
The Power of People: Sometimes the Answer is as Simple as Asking “How Can I Help?
These are unprecedented times. This headline is the undeniable theme of 2020 and shows no sign of being any less true as the year marches on. With a global pandemic ravaging economies across the world and the national protests on systemic racism, that were sparked by George Floyd’s death, one can only wonder if we’ve finally hit a tipping point.
Everything in our society is asking us, quite frankly demanding of us, that we be ‘others focused’. From social distancing, to keep ourselves and loved ones safe from COVID-19 to using our voices, and in many cases our privilege, to help those communities that have been oppressed and unjustly persecuted. This perfect storm of events has made one thing very clear - it is time for all of us to look beyond ourselves and to come together as one.
Its the power of the collective, the notion that the sum is greater that its individual parts that is the narrative I’m choosing. The thought that an entire human race could come together to ‘flatten a curve’ of a virus or that a nation would rise up to say ‘we can no longer ignore the inequity that exists for people purely because of the color of their skin and we will be silent no longer’ is the commitment I see towards the greater good. That is the power that unites, that impacts, that changes the world.
It is the power that I always knew existed and that first inspired me to start EBW and it is the theme I continue to see in my colleagues and friends as they look to be part of the solutions that start to rebuild our communities and economies.
Like you, I knew the answer lies within all of us… but where do we start? SO I began to ask, “How do we help?”...this one simple question has led to inspired solutions. There are many solutions out there- we can ALL bring solutions- and… the answers were lying right in front of us.
It is the power of asking “”how do we support global business women when we can’t meet in person any longer?”... resulting in Linda Pringle Evans in Ohio, Shirley Hogsett in Chicago and Janicka Bassis in Paris opening EBW Global Virtual Chapters to support women business owners globally.
Its my friend Dr. Jen Welter, the first female coach of the NFL,who is looking at the impact of COVID-19 on children and families and finding ways to engage them and keep them safe through her children’s stories and kid designed masks. “How can we help?”.and now we are manufacturing masks for kids.
It’s my dear friend Ambassador Sujay Johnson, who started the Global Black Women’s Chamber of Commerce who when I asked, “How can I/ we help?” answered “support us with business” [black women and communities]. It’s the simple questions like this that are the catalyst for our latest collaboration- a program to find promising women in communities across the US that we will educate, train, mentor and support, so that women can not only create opportunities for themselves and their families, but work to rebuild their communities and together- the world.
Its is our creativity and ingenuity that ignites change and takes us into a better future.
I am not ignoring that while we have changed our trajectory that this journey has been riddled with pain, with loss and in some cases violence and death. I can only hope that at the end of this very long road, those moments that for some changed everything will not be in vain. I believe that each one of us has the power to impact the future to be better for all and that is no longer a choice, but an imperative. I know I will continue to be part of the solution and continue to empower the change and impact that creates a sustainable future.
Join us today at 12-12:30PM CST Friday, June 19, 2020 this Juneteenth as Ambassador Sujay and I have a conversation about rebuilding communities and ultimately the world- together.
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