Live & Survive in Abundance - There is More Than Enough
When you start a business, it is hard for you to think that competing with your neighbors and friends is not the best tactic.?Society values competition.?Corporate America thrives on competition and rivalry. ?This concept is drilled into our DNA but at times it is disheartening if you are competing and not winning. You must keep working toward your goal without carry the baggage of the world on your shoulders. You are enough. When you reach your personal goals - you win.
Of course, in sports competition is the name of the game. But this competition makes us united and provides a lot of entertainment benefits. When we compete in the Olympics, the competition unites the country behind and for a common goal.?However, there is even a dark side to this type of competitive spirit. Second Place is not good enough. Corporate American pounds the competitive edge into our head and hearts that it is solely by competition that you get what you need.
But when you are competiting in the market place, you start your own business. You just need to provide the best service and find the best products to offer. You have to be consistent in your marketing. But do not gauge your success based on the success of others.
To be successful in this business you must stop trying to gain something at other people’s expense.?Once you recognize that only with an abundance mentality can you succeed. You begin to recognize that you can get everything you think of, and this assures you that there will constantly be more than enough of everything for everybody.
Let me just explain from the onset of our relationship that my goal is to be a millionaire.?I have been working toward that goal for a while. I will even tell you my Why. You know that questionaire that your upline gives you to find out why you want to start a business.
?My What Retail Skateboard Industry Business Online Sales
Asking Price: $1,500,000 Cash Flow: $325,000. To insure his futre in the industry he has chosen, It does not have to be this particular business but within the industry.
My WHY “I Believe He Can Fly”
MY HOW See the Video – How to Get 50K Visitors to Your Website
This is the Million Dollar Matrix from Savings Highway Global. This matrix shows you exactly how many levels you need to get where you want to be.. My biggest problem and the biggest problem of every network marketer I know is getting prospects to sign up with their program. I spent monthsprogram. I spentmonths putting this list together so that anyone and everyone can have more than enough leads flowing through their pipeline to attain the goals they have.
What if you are still in scarcity mentality, and don’t know how to get out of it? You'll need to introduce a positive affirmation in your daily life. It may sound like this one: I see abundance everyplace I look. Or it may be put in this way: there's more than enough resources in the world for everybody. Whichever attracts you more.
Grant Cordone Real Estate Multimillionaire states: There’s enough wealth in the world for everyone, including you. Make the decision to become better every day than you were the day before, whether that means multiplying your income, being a better mother or father, or widening your social circle; always be improving.
Direct your attention to the manifestations of abundance. Look at the lushness of nature, deluxe cars, singing morning birds, positive and wealthy individuals, those beautiful houses on the Hill.??Whatever you equate to abundance you can wrap around your mind and embed this abundance in your heart.
There are a lot of wealth symbols around you, it simply depends on which symbols constitute riches to you. I may view nature and see the pure proof of abundance on this Earth; yet other people may see abundance symbols by viewing the newest gadgets and designer clothes.
Your thinking will shift as you no longer see lack but you know and exude the knowledge that your riches are out there, and these riches are available to everyone. By always looking at wealth symbols you'll develop desire to become abundant.?“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it, it always works, it works every time with every person.” Bob Proctor
I wish that all your dreams come true
Virginia R. Sanders (Gina Sands)
Upline Training Coach
VM (279) 300-3518