I didn't knew what should happen after 2016 as I had fulfilled what GOD told me when HE came down in August 2000 and toold me what should happen in my life and it ended in 2016.
But in January 1, 2017 did I understood what the future was for me.
In a miracle way only GOD can do, did I get a new IPAD ( xperia z ) and 100 Gb without have no credit on my bankcard and I understood I had to do something with that gift I got.
But it wasn't so...... GOD took away my tears and the first day of 2017 GOD made me understand that from now should I make LIVE-streaming to make people come to know me all over the world.
I have knew it for years that Messiah should come in the clouds that am today INTERNET ..... it will not be a person walking in the clouds literally but Internet and Messiah will reac all over the planet today from Internet because there is cell-phones and Ipad and all tools around the world so at least one person in any country can watch and hear Messiah.
My Youtube channel :
My YOUTUBE-channel?