Live Stream Video: In-Person Communication from Afar
Daniel Calleja
Creative Director at Visual Production Agency | Video Production - Corporate, Web, Social, Govt, Training and TV Ads.
It is important to maintain contact with everyone in your life, whether it be keeping people in your company informed of new developments, catching up with loved ones, or, as a celebrity, giving your fans a chance to interact with you.
There is a wide variety of options for communicating: phone calls, emails, blog posts, written letters, messaging, and more. However, there is always a sense of separation with these options. With a phone call, you hear the other person's voice, but you do not see their face. With emails, blog posts, written letters, and messaging, there is always a period of time in which you must wait for a response.
Live stream videos not only allow you to maintain communication, but it makes the interaction more personal and effective. You get to see faces and hear voices, and the response is immediate. It can also save you money.
More Personal Communication
Live stream video is more than just listening to a voice. You get to see the person's face. It gives the impression of talking in-person, even if you are nowhere near each other. It could be a formal interaction, like a meeting that keeps everyone in the loop of recent developments and updates, or it could be an informal interaction. The rules for etiquette and attire are the same as in-person communication: it all depends on the kind of interaction you are about to have.
More Effective Communication
Live stream videos also capture facial expressions, hand gestures, and posture, depending on the placement and angle of the camera. People are able to pick up on emotions and other subtle clues found in postures and expressions. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your goals, but it does help those who are not very good at reading tone or are bad at picking up on sarcasm.
Also, it is easier to communicate with a nod during a live stream video than over the phone.
Immediate Interaction
Because of the Coronavirus pandemic in early 2020, concerts were cancelled, museums were closed, and people were told to stay at home in hopes of stopping the spread of the virus. As a result, there was a huge increase in live stream videos on social media platforms and websites. Singers streamed concerts from their own homes (or secluded areas as they maintained social distancing), comedians streamed performances, Q&A sessions were held, and religious leaders streamed their sermons.
With live stream videos, people were able to maintain communication without the wait that comes with emails, letters, and blogs. They were able to enjoy the arts and interactions without leaving their homes.
Not only is live stream video ideal for concerts (and other events), business meetings, and Q&A sessions, but it is also great for online classes and lectures. It allows teachers to interact with their students or audience, just like if they were in a classroom or lecture hall.
Cost Efficient
Live stream videos allow businesses to remain in contact with others in the company without having to deal with travel and boarding expenses. Instead of sending people to different places for meetings and training, companies can set up live stream videos. The meetings and/or training sessions can also be recorded for future viewings as well.
In Conclusion
Even if there is not a pandemic taking place, live stream videos are a great way to remain in contact with people.
It is possible for you to do a live stream video by yourself, but if you want to make sure your session reaches a broad audience and looks like a professional video, contact the team at Visual production Agency by going to their website ( or give them a call (03 9351 0002), and they will be able to help you with a more personal, effective, immediate, and cost-efficient way of communicating with people when in-person interactions are inconvenient or impossible.