Shaping an I-World: Disrupting Science and Technology
Number of scientists worldwide reaches?8.8M, as global research spending grows faster than the economy, and for 2022,?R&D World’s?editors forecast that $2.476 trillion will be invested globally in R&D efforts.
Effective and Efficient Research and Development (E&E R&D) is the lifeblood of the human society, its science and technology, economy and industry. The funding of this critical human development intellectual activity should not be focused on the fragmented R & D of dependent scientists and researchers, but on the integrated R & D of independent scientists and researchers.
Otherwise, due to the obsolete fragmented organization of science and education, the integrated smart, green, inclusive and digital transitions to a new all-sustainable world will hardly happens.
Today's science faces existential problems, starting from its overpopulation, fragmentation, a huge money problem, poor design of studies, replication crisis, subjective peer review, poor communication, and prioritizing self-preservation over pursuing the best questions and uncovering meaningful truths.
My key point is not to brag here, but share my experience of an independent researcher and scientist. If you have a passion for truth and knowledge added with a good creative mind, then no need to be lost in some academic institutions, or industrial R & D labs, doing small things all your conscious life, which nobody needs.
To Live is to Think, Cogito, ergo Sum. So, make a deep thinking and independent profound research your major lifestyle, disrupting this world, as it was done by Aristotle, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Tesla, Tsiolkovsky, Mendel, the most notable independent researchers.
Free Science and Research: Why Researchers and Scientists should be Independent Researchers and Scientists
Global R&D spending grew faster than the economy between 2014 and 2018 as countries around the world turned to research to bring on the green and digital transitions, says a new UNESCO report.
Number of scientists worldwide reaches?8.8M, as global research spending grows faster than the economy. Taken together, the G20 countries boast 88.8% of the world’s researchers, 93.2% of research spending and 90.6% of scientific publications.
Are their independent independent scientists?(historically also known as?gentleman scientists) or researchers out there? It is just a few, with a view to eliminate them as a class, what arrests globally and locally disruptive changes, as the green and smart transitions to a smart and green world.
Most institutionalized academics, scientists and researchers most times waste their resources and time in highly fragmented R & D ecosystems, engaged in futile and hubristic academic games, industrial R & D, or useless commercial applications, like its practiced in the old universities, Big Tech or Big Farma companies.
Yet the complexity of today’s R&D requires an integration of many skills, perspectives and experiences or rather new polymaths integrating their broad and deep knowledge and intelligence with many skills, perspectives and experiences.
“An independent scientist (historically also known as gentleman scientist) is a financially independent scientist who pursues scientific study without direct affiliation to a public institution such as a university or government-run research and development body”.
You’d never get any subsidies, grants, or funds or adopted by the “blind peer-reviewing” unless you are attached to some academic institutions, regardless how high-quality your research might be.
Start your blog site, journal or page, sharing your discoveries with the public, making your ideas and concepts open to people, and looking for the constructive comments and feedbacks.
And keep in mind that AI disruption threatens all knowledge workers/golden collars without any exclusion, be it scientists or engineers, programmers or designers, academics or lawyers, judges or politicians.
It is as far as knowledge work involves the handling and distribution of data/information/knowledge, or "the direct manipulation of symbols to create an original knowledge product, or to add obvious value to an existing knowledge products or services.
Or, this relates to the most of jobs, professions, specialties involving routine or advanced data/information/knowledge processing, as collecting, generating, analyzing, organizing and visualizing, will fall prey to AI, as superintelligent narrow/weak, task-specific or general human-level.
[Human] Science is doomed if not transdisciplinary, or What Trans- R &D programs and projects we all need
Let me briefly share my own experience of being independent researcher-philosopher-scientist.
I became an independent philosopher/researcher/scientist after a PhD in mathematics and theoretical physics and information sciences.
Never submitting the papers to any academic journals, if only invited to keynote paper for highly prestigious international conferences.
I have written and published dozen of books, hundreds of articles, added with thousands of Quora questions-answers in science and technology, AI, AGI, ASI, which are most read and viewed.
All my key discoveries and inventions and innovative ideas, what the world is and how this world works and how it should be changed, are open for all and everybody, except of one disruptive innovation.
As an independent researcher, I pride myself on a number of strategic concepts and disruptive socio-technological research programs and development projects:
Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World
2. Intelligent World (I-World): I-WORLD?, IWORLD?, iWORLD?, iWorld?: AI World: Intelligent, Innovative, Interconnected, Instrumented, Inclusive, Green WORLD: Smart CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES, CITIES, AND COMMUNITIES
3. Transdisciplinary AI (Trans-AI) or Meta-AI, Causal Machine Intelligence and Learning, integrating ANI/ML/DL, AGI and ASI.
The Trans-AI is the know-how to build a true and real AI. Its theory, models, specifications, architecture are properly documented, and hold as a trade secret.
Again, AI/ML/DL experts will hardly reach any real and true AI, as Causal Machine Intelligence and Learning, or Trans-AI, for most of them are stuck in the first/second levels in the end-to-end spectrum of AI abilities/intelligent powers:
DL < ML < Artificial Narrow Human-Like Intelligence
Multimodal ANI (Large Language Models, GPT-3, LaMDA, Megatron-Turing NLG 530B, GPT-4, etc.)
Artificial General Human-Level Intelligence
Artificial Superintelligence, Superhuman AI systems
Real/True AI, Causal Machine Intelligence and Learning, Metaverse Platform, Global AI Software System, converging all emerging technologies, nano-technology, bio-technology, neural technology, cognitive technology, robotic automation, AI technology, quantum computing technology.
Transdisciplinary AI (Trans-AI), Man-Machine Hyperintelligence/ Meta-AI.
Now, why we keep it as the trade secret, while all the rest studies and research are open to public success. TransAI is a radically different thing. It is associated with the Black Swan Singularity, involving human-machine ethics and morality. If it is good or bad, right or wrong to incorporate machine superintelligence in human life.?
TransAI will either augment human intelligence or replace humans, be it scientists or engineers, accountants, lawyers, financial and security analysts, doctors, and other knowledge workers.?
From Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee’s?Race Against the Machine?to Martin Ford’s?The Rise of the Robots?and Daniel Susskind’s (2020), many books argue that AI will lead to a combination of great prosperity and massive unemployment, thus requiring huge payments to unemployed workers.
Practice is the Criterion of Truth
As to the critical life-changing practical contribution to shaping a future smart and sustainable world, I was fortunate to pioneer the globally innovative strategic concept of smart and sustainable cities and communities (2009).
The idea was keynoted at The 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2011) The 11th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom-2011)?CIT 2011; Keynote: "A Smart World: A Development Model for Intelligent Cities" (read the Summary).
The cutting-edge concept of smart and sustainable cities was tested as the Euro 2.5bn Neapolis Smart EcoCity Futuristic Megaproject (2010), adopted latter by the European Commission as a model city for all European cities and communities.
Most transdisciplinary studies, from?I-World to Smart China to I-Europe to Smart Russia and Smart Africa, are open to public?access (>>1m views), regardless of these programs and projects being self-funded. For no Scientific Funds are funding Trans R & D to the prejudice of science and technology.
To Live is to Think, Cogito, ergo Sum, to Create, to Shape a New Better World. So, make a deep thinking and independent profound research your major lifestyle, disrupting this world, as it was done by Aristotle, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Tesla, Tsiolkovsky, Mendel, the most notable independent researchers.
Keynote: "A Smart World: A Development Model for Intelligent Cities"
Demographic, environmental, economic, political, and socio-cultural factors are forcing the world to become more efficient, rational, dynamic, intelligent, technological, and self-sustaining, or smart and sustainable. The 21st century necessitates the wholly new development principles, policies, processes, and objectives: sustainable world strategies, comprehensive planning, integrated models, and globally effective solutions. The world is requested to synergistically driven by natural capital, social capital, technological and digital capital, like as the Global Internet/Web of Things, Knowledge and Social Intelligence and Renewable Energy Sources. Such a New World is emerging as a Smart World, converging the Cyber, Social, and Physical Domains (see the World Trinity Diagram). The Smart World concept makes a foundational framework for the whole European Community, its EU 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The Smart World concept makes a basis for global industrial initiatives of the IBM's Smarter Planet and the Cisco's Intelligent Urbanization as well as the Eco City development models. The power and beauty of the idea of Smart World consists in its capacity to merge three different worlds as one integrated whole: an Eco World, Digital World and Social World. It thus unifies the ecological principles of the eco world development, the technological principles of the information world development, and the social principles of the human world development. Accordingly, a truly sustainable community (city, region, or country) is a geographical entity which is digitally smart, socially intelligent, and ecologically sustainable. Geographically, a Smart Community can be a real estate/property development, an urban economic development zone, a city, a district, a region, a mega-region, a country, an international community, or a global community. At the community level, the Smart World is a Smart Eco Planet of intelligent sustainable communities: countries, regions, cities, towns, villages, districts, and neighborhoods. The Smart Eco Planet is mostly about intelligent communities, natural ecosystems, digital economy, intelligent people, smart governance, smart transport and intelligent ICT networks, smart environments, eco-smart living and creative working in intelligent eco-buildings, cities, regions, countries, forming a global innovation ecosystem.
Demographic, environmental, economic, political and socio-cultural factors are forcing the urban world to design and implement smart/intelligent cities. As a special type of sustainable community, a smart city is a unified urban entity with three critical layers/levels/spaces, all planned, developed and managed as its integral parts:
? Digital/ICT/Hi-Tech/Ubiquitous/Cyber/Mobile/Digitally Smart and Intelligent City (Digital/Information Capital; Digital Urban Spaces, Multi-Play Telecom Network, ICT spaces/systems/applications, Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computation, Cloud Computing, Network-integrated Real Estate, City OS, Intelligent City Management Platform, Augmented Virtual Reality, Virtual Lifestyle);
? Sustainable/Ecological/Green/Zero-Carbon/Zero-Waste/Eco Friendly/Clean City (Natural Capital; Natural Urban Spaces and Ecosystems, Green Energy Network, Real Eco Estate, Ecological buildings, Green Lifestyle);
? Knowledge/Learning/Innovation/Intelligent/Science/Intellectual/LivingLab/Creative/Human/Social City/Noopolis (Knowledge Capital; Innovation Systems, Meaningful Urban Spaces, Collective Intelligence, Knowledge Triangle/Ecology, Health Triangle, Human Social City, Intelligent/Smart Lifestyle).
A truly smart city is three innovative cities in one, the Urban Trinity of Information Cyber City, Intelligent/Knowledge City and Ecological/Clean city. It is essential to draw distinctions between a smart city, as a unified urban entity, and “smart city” technologies, applications, and systems, as well as fragmented “smart city” projects, lacking the overall conception of the smart city project and resulting in unsustainably over-costly ventures. The 21st-centuary smart cities are best to be modeled and developed as the Trinity City of Intelligent ICT networks, Social Intelligence Networks, and Clean Energy Networks. Such Smart Cities, as globally networked innovative ecological urban areas, are key preconditions for the Smart World of Intelligent Communities.
Trans-AI: How to Build True AI or Real Machine Intelligence and Learning
Azamat Abdoullaev EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems Ltd, EU, Cyprus-Russia
We are at the edge of colossal changes. This is a critical moment of historical choice and opportunity. It could be the best 5 years ahead of us that we have ever had in human history or one of the worst, because we have all the power, technology and knowledge to create the most fundamental general-purpose technology (GPT), which could completely upend the whole human history.
The most important GPTs were fire, the wheel, language, writing, the printing press, the steam engine, electric power, information and telecommunications technology, all to be topped by real artificial intelligence technology. Our study refers to Why and How the Real Machine Intelligence or True AI or Real Superintelligence (RSI) could be designed and developed, deployed and distributed in the next 5 years. The whole idea of RSI took about three decades in three phases.
The first conceptual model of TransAI was published in 1989. It covered all possible physical phenomena, effects and processes. The more extended model of Real AI was developed in 1999. A complete theory of superintelligence, with its reality model, global knowledge base, NL programing language, and master algorithm, was presented in 2008. The RSI project has been finally completed in 2020, with some key findings and discoveries being published on the EU AI Alliance/Futurium site in 20+ articles.
The RSI features a unifying World Metamodel (Global Ontology), with a General Intelligence Framework (Master Algorithm), Standard Data Type Hierarchy, NL Programming Language, to effectively interact with the world by intelligent processing of its data, from the web data to the real-world data. The basic results with technical specifications, classifications, formulas, algorithms, designs and patterns, were kept as a trade secret and documented as the Corporate Confidential Report: How to Engineer Man-Machine Superintelligence 2025. As a member of EU AI Alliance, the author has proposed the Man-Machine RSI Platform as a key part of Transnational EU-Russia Project. To shape a smart and sustainable future, the world should invest into the RSI Science and Technology, for the Trans-AI paradigm is the way to an inclusive, instrumented, interconnected and intelligent world.
Created the First Trans-AI Model for Narrow AI, ML, DL, and Human Intelligence;
Trans-AI: meet the disruptive discovery, innovation, and technology of all time;;
Man-Machine Superintelligence Paradigm Shift: Trans-AI, Deep AI, or Real-World AI as a Real Trustworthy AI, or why ML/DL/ANNs/DNNs must be disrupted;
The Real-World AI: the matter of life or death / European AI Alliance. 17 August 2021.
Man-Machine Superintelligence Paradigm Shift: Trans-AI, Deep AI, or Real-World AI, as an integral Trustworthy AI Model. Azamat Abdoullaev. 12 September 2021.
Global AI Academy: AI4EE;
The Real-World AI: Why We Need It Now More Than Before;
The World‘s First Trans-AI Model for Narrow AI, ML, DL, and Human Intelligence: Innovating A Superintelligent HumanMachine General-Purpose Technology Platform;
Real Superintelligence: Why and How We Create the Top Human-Machine Technology Platform;
Machina Sapiens vs. Human Sapiens, or why Musk is after humanoid robots while being deeply scared of AI;
The RSI Technology: Self-Aware Machines, Conscious AI, and Sentient Robotics;
What's Wrong With the EU AI? Why the I-EUROPE PLATFORM Is the Cardinal Solution;
The end of "normal science and technology", or why humanity faces global risks and mass technological unemployment;
Why the EU lags behind in AI, Science and Technology;
What are Machine Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Analytics? Or Why the EU AI must be uprighted;
EUR 1+ Trillion Transnational EU-Russia Project: Man-Machine Real Superintelligence (RSI) Platform: the biggest challenge for the next decade;
Science And Technology XXI: New Physica, Physics X.0 & Technology X.0;