Live Olympics inspire our kids to be active
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Behavioral research indicates that role models significantly influence children who are already active. Younger individuals respond more to these influences, with older active children watching more sports and participating more actively, often being inspired by athletes, finding motivation
The Olympics aren't just about winning medals. The dedication and hard work
A Family journey of cultural discovery and sporting inspiration
Each Olympics introduces us to sports we never knew existed and events with mixed disciplines. The Olympics continuously evolve, adding new sports and updating rules, which keeps us engaged and learning. Whether we're watching familiar sports or discovering new ones, the Olympic Games can enrich our family's life.
During the games, our family can learn about different cultures together—geography, costumes, customs, languages, and more. The Olympics help us understand that we are part of a much larger world, making it a wonderful and enriching experience.
With streaming media, we can watch anywhere, and social media offers extensive coverage. The Olympics may seem like a one-time event every four years, but athletes' journeys happen year-round. It's great that athletes share their training on social media, showing our kids that they are real people who work hard, just like them.
Younger individuals are more influenced by sports role models
Behavioral research shows that role models have the biggest impact on kids who are already active. Age is a better predictor of the intention to exercise than education level, gender, activity levels, or BMI. Data from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games revealed that older kids watched and participated in more sports. Similarly, a Canadian study found that youth were more active when a local athlete won a medal at the London 2012 Olympics.
Parents can inspire physical activity through Olympic events
When asked why the Olympics did or didn’t motivate them to be more active, those who became more active mentioned being inspired by the athletes or sports, or reminded of the importance of health and exercise. Many were also inspired by the Paralympics. Those who weren’t motivated cited common barriers like age, injury, time, energy, and cost.
In this sense, our family circle can be crucial in promoting physical activity
Live sports offer greater satisfaction than TV viewing
You never know when something amazing and unforgettable will happen. For these few days, we may let our kids stay up late, soak in the excitement, and get inspired. It’s not just about the medals; it's about the life-changing power of sport
Watching sports on TV or online is great, but we can miss out on the social vibes of being there live. Without that social buzz, we might not get the same boost in life satisfaction. Research shows that going to live sporting events makes people happier, probably because the fun and excitement of being there improve how they feel about life overall. Another study found that hanging out with other fans at live games can enhance your well-being even more.
In this new article: Beyond the Games: What VIP guests look forward to at the Paris Summer Olympics on Drivania's Magazine, we offer a behind-the-scenes look at our team's preparations. We spoke with three of our most loyal clients, who graciously allowed us to share details of the upcoming trips of three families to the world’s largest sports event.