Live in the moment
Are you familiar with the expression “to live in the moment”? This is the ability to be fully present and aware of yourself and your surroundings as you live each moment. Achieving such a state requires observation, appreciation, patience, quiet, and the ability to turn off the television and/or radio and to put away the clock and calendar.
While most of us don’t experience much “living in the moment” frequently, this is a time when we feel the most alive. In theory, being present involves learning how to pay attention, and the process of getting there is far easier than you might think. There are a few simple things you can do right now to help you stay in the present and pay attention to your life experience in a very positive way.
Start by setting a few quiet minutes aside each day to close your eyes and take stock of what you are feeling, no matter how good or bad those feelings may be. Don’t judge your feelings, just allow yourself to become aware of the emotions behind them.
Next, send your attention outward and become aware of things around you. Notice if you feel warm or cold, what your clothing feels like against your skin, the feeling of the air moving in and out of your lungs. Let the sounds around you filter through you and notice the underlying noises that you may have been tuning out. Next, open your eyes and notice the colours and sights around you in this same subtle, attentive way.
By the time you are halfway through this little exercise, you may be surprised at how much you actually notice about your internal and external presence. If you try this, you will probably find that “paying attention” will take on a whole new meaning, and it will be a very appealing one as well.
I hope Vicki’s story will remain with you so that the next time you feel yourself struggling with the idea of “failure,” you will think differently about it. When you open yourself up to the gifts the Universe brings, you can find amazing opportunities.
I hope that you can take some time this week to practice “living in the moment.” I feel sure that it will change your experience in “now time.”