Live Life Like It's Your Last
Following on from my last post regarding mentors, coincidentally its been 20 years since my greatest mentor, my Forster dad Glyn Jones, lost his battle with cancer. Although he wasn’t my blood dad, he raised me as his own and I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for his fine example. He taught me to be kind, caring, positive, determined and to never stop trying.
One of the most important lessons that he taught me was to never have regrets and to always 'have a go'. In life and in business this is an important key to live by. Make the most of now and don't let fear stop you, as you may never have another opportunity. Fear is one of our greatest obstacles yet it's also something that we can control. We just have to choose to believe in ourselves and to overcome it.
This week I urge you to take a chance on something that you have been putting off for a while. Whether that be asking for a deserved pay rise, applying for your dream job or asking that 'person' on the bus you have always fancied (but never had the courage) to go on a date.
Life is short and you have nothing to loose by trying. Live every day like it’s your last.