Live from the OrgaTec 2022

Live from the OrgaTec 2022

Every two years, the biggest names in the market for office design and proptech are coming together to showcase what’s new and hot in the office building, property and proptech market. This year we have been invited to talk about modern workplace technologies, digital employee engagement and the possibilities of Corporate Audio.

When talking about this modern work environment the most influential factors are the flexibility of working location and working hours, the informalization of communications and the relevance of corporate authenticity and integrity to relate to the young generation entering the business world. And of course, the overarching, all-dominating factor driving change is the continuous digitalization of business world.

Talking to numerous people at the OrgaTec 2022 in Cologne these topics seem to have moved well into the background and a driving message is, that people want and need to come back to the office. And that a well-designed office is the key to success for any organization.

Of course, a cool Vitra designer chair, elegant acoustic panels, cozy plants, and a delicious coffee bar are cool, but it is nothing that will bring people back to the office. The big question that is not being answered at OrgaTec this year is “How can you create a workplace that adds value to your employees?”

Here are three ideas of how a modern workplace can add value to employees:

  1. An office should be a place to collaborate and co-create
  2. An office should inspire, spark creativity, and curiosity
  3. An office should be a social place of personal interaction and individual engagement



