Live Free
I’m going to keep this pretty simple. All of us are here hoping to make the best of this journey we call life, but at times it’s not always simple. Bad things happen and we cannot always prepare for them. Mistakes are made that we wish could be undone. Tough times come with no end in sight, but they will eventually as long as we have faith.
There are so many things to jot down here, but when push comes to shove we have to stay strong. We must master the game between the ears. This is not always easy as life will throw distractions at us to take us off course. In a world where so many live in fear, with guilt, shame, stress & anxiety we must learn to live free. We must learn to accept things out of our control and acknowledge the past for what it is: a teacher and a lesson. We cannot continually drag ourselves through forward carrying all the weight of past mistakes. You won’t make it far. I’ve been there. Strength comes from acceptance of that which has happened and using that for good. Imagine if everyone used the grit from the past to do good? We might be a bit more free now. Let’s take some time to think about our life up till now and ponder how we can be more present in making things better today.
Till next time.