Live as if Everything Is Connected…
It’s a fascinating concept that each fractional sliver of reality is connected to every other single particle in the universe. This is a subject that particle physicists have attempted to express in purely mathematical terms but it’s a concept that’s attracted the attention of scientists from many disciplines including cellular biologists and biochemists. It’s also an area that has drawn the interest of psychologists who are exploring the underlying nature of consciousness. But it’s a concept that has many practical considerations in our everyday lives, a way of seeing the world that can help us to understand our place in the universe and how we are deeply connected to everyone and to everything. We could say that our separation from everything else is nothing more than an illusion, a grand distortion in our perception that creates the appearance of barriers where, in reality, none exist.
In many ways, this is not a new idea. Without the benefit of supercomputers to aid in crafting the elegant mathematical formulae that seek to describe the interconnectedness of everything, ancient philosophers intuitively grasped the unity that holds everything in a single and inseparable expression of absolute reality. The message of their teachings is simple, complete and absolute - we are one.
When we consider the implications of these ideas, we merge with the acceptance that we are an integral part of everyone – and everything – else. We can open our hearts in a gesture of complete acceptance and taste the fruits of compassion. It’s a step that enables us to eliminate the barriers and resistance that preserve our sense of separation from all else. Our relationship to the world and to everything within its compass becomes inclusive. The love we reserve for our treasured relationships expands exponentially to include every living being and even touches the inanimate components of our world. We are all and all is within us.
Perhaps we still need the reassurance of particle physicists and their mathematical descriptions to persuade us of this most natural state of being. But at the deeper levels of human consciousness, in those timeless domains that exist beyond the limitations of our egos, this knowledge already exists and awaits with infinite patience for our moment of awakening.