Live Events: Part of A Complete Breakfast
When the Saturday morning cartoons came on as a kid I always wondered how the "Chocolate Covered Sugar Bombs" type cereal was actually part of a complete breakfast. It seemed unhealthy to me then, and now, and I never really understood how it fit in.
As it turns out, the cereal was just a very small part of that complete breakfast and this is a great analogy of how I feel about virtual versus live events. The quick prep of the cereal is what makes it appealing to fast moving morning people to eat quickly so you can head out to school or work, whereas a complete and nutritious meal takes a little more effort.
It is the same appeal for virtual engagements. Yes, we all know that hybrid events are here to stay and, as a provider of both virtual and hybrid equipment rentals, I am very pleased that is so.
But the quick and easy is not providing the nutrients we need as human beings. The Zoom call simply cannot provide all the healthy benefits that in-person events can.
After the pandemic, It makes me excited to be able to shake hands, see faces, hug people, and feel the energy behind brand new conversations happening in real time! Nothing will ever beat being on-site, discussing AV solutions, corporate event production, and on site planning.
I look forward to seeing you all out there in the event spaces, making plans, creating shows and making sure we are all part of a complete breakfast.