“Live on the Edge of Discomfort”
When people ask advice on getting ahead, I say, “Live on the edge of discomfort. That’s when you’re learning and growing.”
For those committed to thriving on the edge of discomfort, the challenging period we’re in is ?actually the best of times, for two reasons:
1.????The constraints of post-pandemic uncertainty expand the edge of discomfort, forcing us all to learn new skills as we turn over every rock looking for different ways to get things done.
2.????At the same time, the expanded opportunities of the post-pandemic workplace – open, humane, diverse, inclusive – offer more paths to achievement and advancement than ever before.
For many people, the mood of the moment is bad. We’re either in recession or getting close. Layoffs, hiring freezes, budget cuts. And yet, I can’t help feeling energized by the challenge of being forced to find new paths to innovation. The natural world tells us: life forms forced to fight for survival always do better.
Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors
When dark clouds started rolling in last November, I urged fellow CMOs not to let the moment go to waste: “Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors. Challenging times give Marketing Teams a chance to prove their value by nimbly adjusting the narrative to serve customers’ needs right now. What causes weak teams to fall apart calls winning teams to greatness.”
What’s true for CMOs and Marketing Teams is true for everyone, all the time. We’ve got to sharpen our skills on a perpetual basis. Push, push, push against constraints to the edge of exhaustion. It’s not comfortable, but the next time a challenge arises, we’re stronger.
If this sounds like going to the gym, you’re right. Fighting to innovate and achieve in tough times is resistance training. Like muscles, our skills grow stronger when we put demands on?them.
Finding empathy on the edge of discomfort
For me, resistance training has grown flexibility, not just muscle. My challenge a year ago as a new CMO at a truly great company wasn’t to learn leadership, it was to develop followership.
I grew up in a military family and was trained at large companies where leadership was top-down and command-driven. My discomfort and constraint as CMO of an enlightened company like ServiceNow was to empower teams by giving up control. I wasn’t accustomed to letting go of the wrench and encouraging my team to pick it up. It was uncomfortable after decades of doing it a different way. But I did it, and I learned.
And now the good news…
All of which brings me back to Point 2: These are the best of times for people honing their skills on the edge of discomfort. The post-COVID workplace is open to great ideas that come from anywhere. Everyone is encouraged to bring their full selves to the table. Leadership is creating an inclusive, diverse environment where everyone can do their best work without conforming to particular molds or culture.
The door is flung wide to innovation and achievement – especially in tough times like these. There’s nothing contradictory about an open, empathetic workplace peopled by those purposefully embracing constraint and discomfort to learn and grow.
The business environment today reminds me of a great line from Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” – “There is a tide in our affairs, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”
Founder @ Pink Media | Digital Marketing
10 个月Michael, Thanks for sharing!
Brand Positioning + Brand Integration Expert // Helping companies find a competitive edge.
1 年Great read- thanks for sharing!
Sr. Director of Business Development at Immersive Wisdom | Retired Green Beret | SOTF Alum
1 年Couldn’t agree more. Get outside your comfort zone and never allow complacency. If you’re comfortable, you’re static.
President & CFO
1 年Nailed it Micheal!
This is spot on and well said - growing from being in new (uncomfortable) situations and handling them in new ways BRAVO!