LIVE Data counts and Web Generated Leads
Gareth Ridge
Probate Consultant and Business Development Manager at Kings Court Trust, a multi-award winning Probate and Estate Administration Specialist.
Invive Limited have the facility to conduct live data counts based on any profile that you or your clients require.
We can produce counts based on the following verticals / overlays:
- Email, Postal, Landline & Mobile.
- Male / Female.
- Age Range
- Marital Status.
- Employment Status & income Banding.
- Postcode / Town / City / County.
- Property Type (Residential Status, Property Type & Property Value).
- Social Trends & Insights (Gambling / Betting, Entertainment, Group Purchasing, Technology, Hobbies, Sport, Beauty, Wellbeing, Travel / Places, Fashion etc etc).
- Insurance (Home Insurance and Motor Insurance Renewal months).
- Loans (Loan Type, Loan Amount & Application Date).
- Automotive (Vehicle Make, Model, Registration Year & Car Owner)
Please get in touch with me for any counts that you would like running.
Invive also have the following web generated leads available:
- Funeral Plan.
- Life Insurance.
- PMI.
- Debt / IVA.
- Solar.
- Mortgage.
- Wills.
- PECR Compliant PPI Leads (Web)
For further information please get in touch.
Office: 01565 751688
Mobile: 07813547683
Email: [email protected]