Live CyberProduction & Broadcasting
The limitations imposed by the pandemic on in-person live productions have forced content producers and broadcasters to utilize video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Skype, etc., that have all been created primarily for communications. While they can provide useful, though limited in function, video streams from remote locations, even with creative workarounds, they are quite limited for professional productions by the fact that they were designed to function as video communication and conferencing tool, rather than a video production tool. Additionally, at best, they only offer a compromised camera function leaving production with the task of cobbling together the other essential tools needed for professional live production.
As live event producers, we rely on multiple high-resolution cameras with ease of mobility all simultaneously delivering their feed to a live switcher that is empowered by camera transition and stream merging tools with other enhancement functions (e.g. overlays, bottom 1/3, etc.) to generate a program feed, which is live encoded and streamed to the end-users, potentially on a global scale (B2C) and/or to distribution platforms (e.g. OTT/Cable TV/Satellite/Terrestrial). If you think that this was a long sentence, imagine how long it takes producers to get each component in place, integrate their functions, and deliver a product that remotely resembles live studio productions.
To meet this immediate need, Swig Media (Los Angeles) in partnership with CyberMedia (Rotterdam) is pleased to introduce a complete, professional production standard, end-to-end solution, with all necessary components seamlessly integrated from capture to end-user viewing. Our solution enables the cameras on remote mobile phones to connect to our cloud-based switcher (with all standard professional switcher options), that is operated from a remote location, and which in real-time to creates an encoded program stream, which we stream in secure, high-resolution B2C and/or B2B, and do so with significant bandwidth savings.
Why compromise your production, and struggle with tools created for video conferencing? For more information about CyberProduction ( – not live yet)please contact us: [email protected] or [email protected]