To Live Another Day=XMAS

To Live Another Day=XMAS

I think all of us here on Linkedin have many things in common. Obviously we all believe networking is key to building a strong healthy business. Studying other successful people and then hopefully applying it to our own lives is tremendously important. We spend thousand of dollars on seminars and videos and groups and clothes and cars and homes based off of stereotypical mass approval. Obsessed with the idea of that next big thing-the next big idea-the next ultimate connection... because frankly that's what our primal brains do. They find a way to succeed as well as dominate as well as mirror our fellow man and women for one simple outcome...survival. But what happens when your position in this large web of life is not in the survival category? What if survival ( financially anyway) can't touch you anymore? Does the brain stop it's primal thunderous wheel of fight VS flight and slide into a calm mellow sigh of relief ? = No it does not. As mammals we adapt faster then any other creature. This goes for cars-and houses-and yes once P.E.A wears off even the most intense of relationships. As your reading this your brain may be even saying to you---Why the hell am I reading this--what does this have to do with me? Well first off your human, that is unless you've been on Youtube too much and now you believe your a reptilian with a touch of Palladian blood. The other good reason to keep reading is because I have some very valuable life information for you. We all love information-it's what gets us ahead-lets us kick some A%%! But what if I told you that this information I'm going to give you won't get you ahead,, that it won't help you kick ass. What if what I told you was just the simple truth and that it doesn't include simple breathing, or stretching techniques. You don't need a special class or chant a special word. And here's the best part--it's free.

This Bit of information hit me a few years back when I was on a full tilt- hell bent desire to dominate in my industry. Having outside approval in the industry from my peers was key. Asserting my position in the independent music market was an obsession. As I laid on the cold slab within the giant M.R.I 's belly I felt the warmth of iodine coursing through my veins while still thinking about work. When I was finished the nurse escorted me to a room where I sat on shitty paper that kept sliding me on and off the edge as a the doctor came in. I was told that I may have cancer and from the images things looked serious. I still didn't snap out of my daily brainwashed routine as they gave me directions to a bigger hospital in downtown LA. Hours later I was told that I would need a biopsy. Suddenly my mind snapped-I didn't care about the hospital-or the MRI-or work-or anything other then my daughter. Everything I felt was so important literally melted away and all that was left was mental images of family-friends-laughter-love. My MRI was at 4am so they let me drive home. I picked up my daughter from school and told her the grave news and again to my surprise the truth spilled from my lips. Leah--I told her " If you want to be an artist be an artist"- " Its not about the money" "When you find someone special remember ( lust fades away not love). {Family and friends are important}. {Treating yourself with love is important} and most importantly HAPPINESS IS FREE! Follow your heart-follow your dreams. This was my true self stating this-not the earth human climbing up the mountain. The truth is that ( THE NOW) is whats important and LOVE is the answer. At 4 am I went back to the hospital-The doctors said remarkably the mass was gone and may have been a serious inner ear/throat infection. I was alive to live another day. This was a gift that certainly did not feel like a gift while going through it. But what a gift of realization it was! I hope you remember my story this holiday season and remember...LOVE STRONG


