Dr. Tamara MC
Cult, Child Marriage, Human Trafficking, DV, and Polygamy Expert. Cheerleading for girls/women worldwide to live free from gender-based violence and coercive control, including forced/temporary marriages, FGM, and abuse.
Sarah, my great grandma Sarah, I have given you back your daughter Mina. She has returned to you.
Even though we have not yet met; you will know me by my words. You know them now. I know you do. My words sail down the Kaunas River to meet you. They pass your little wooden green cottage house, and the Linden tree
Bubbe Mina climbed when she was young, before you were buried alive in the dirt of The IX Fort, with the other flailing Jewish bodies. I will meet you, my women, on Laisvisalelle Street. I will be the one sitting on the iron bench, writing. You will know me. I know you will.
Lithuania knows me.
by Tamara MC