The Little Wind
Sun 9.13.20
Winter is coming to the Northeast,
a grey, overcast day.
I sit at the Silver Street Tavern,
at a table near the window.
Gulls are hovering overhead
looking for choice morsels of city trash.
Before me in the central thoroughfare,
on the corner of Main and Silver,
a stout, middle aged woman hovers,
uncertain of her direction.
She stands at the crosswalk
wearing a salmon colored raincoat
with umbrella tucked safely underarm.
The crowd moves along
but she stays put.
A youth walks by in a Grateful Dead jacket
and spiked hair; busy city girls with thigh high skirts
exposing goosy red legs pass her by.
And across the street, a young woman,
wearing jeans, boots and a wind breaker,
hurrying off
towards the lee of tall buildings.
Dress warmly girl,
the city won't shield you
from winter winds.
The dowdy old woman
with umbrella is at center
of the four directions,
buffeted by western winds.
She is a Sibyl
standing on a street corner
unfolding the four-petaled flower
of knowledge.
She points north where the Grateful
Dead marches off to his fate;
east, where the young woman makes her way,
while strong legged city girls head west.
But what of the fourth direction,
the little wind before me?
She calls my attention
to the people scurrying by
and I notice that everyone
has become an animal;
they are comical but correct.
I see gibbons, giraffes
and big prowling tigers.
And then she walks by,
deep in thought
she does not see me;
a hawk's face and a body so fragile
and vulnerable. The core of her soul
is exposed to me,
and it is mine.
It is the fourth direction.
The old Sibyl with umbrella
still tucked underarm
heads West
lewdly pursuing
the bare legged city girls.