A little structure saves a lot of time
Tuesday 8/13/19...
I was very happy with how yesterday went. I tested out a new morning routine and it was incredible how much time it felt like I got back in my day!
I essentially split my day in half. I worked ON the business in the morning and FOR it in the afternoon. The morning was all about sales, and content, and nurturing leads; engaging people on LinkedIn specifically because that's my primary source for sales and marketing activities. The afternoon was dedicated to client hours which we no longer interrupted by me having to take care of the former.
I've never felt like I've had so much time to get everything done before. It's amazing how long of a way a little structure can go in making you more productive. For this week, my goal is to just keep it up.
I was really happy with the progress from an administrative standpoint alone that I want to make sure it sticks - I want to make this routine. I'm sure I'll find ways to optimize and additional tasks I'd like to test along the way. The best part is all my action items for the week are now automated. I literally only added 1 item to my to-do list for the week.
I'm still doing the same things as I've done in previous weeks, I just don't have to spend the mental energy reminding myself to do them or distracting myself from other tasks to fit them into the day. It almost felt like the day slowed down or I was able to squeeze more hours into it. I even had plenty of time to procrastinate and still felt more productive than normal.
It's a great feeling and I'm especially excited about what it means for me as I continue to grow. I'll be able to take on more work and scale what I'm doing into an actual business. My mind is buzzing right now with all the possibilities of what else I can automate or add structure to in my day.
But for now. I will simply enjoy this feeling of progress and productivity. It's time to put my head down and do it all over again!
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This is an entry from my personal daily journal. I recently left the 9-5 to work for myself - something I've dreamed of for as long as I can remember. It's my hope that these posts inspire anyone looking to do the same or shed some light on what this journey is really like.
- Check out my first post for more: This is for you (but mostly for me)
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Thanks for reading!
- DM