Little secret symbology for some.
Georgenes Medeiros de Oliveira
Blog, Edi??o, Jornalismo, Revis?o, Redator, Comunica??o Escrita, Copywriter, Atendimento CC, Reten??o, Supervis?o CC, Suporte N1, RH, N2,Vendas b2b, BDR OUTBOUND (cold e-mail, cold calling, social selling e networking).
The great strength of Freemasonry has always been that it is a secret society. Although one cannot strictly speak of a secret society when its address is in the telephone directories, it must, at least, be discreet. This fact, however, is not the case. Today, Masonic symbols are already so vulgarized that only the fact that the Freemason has a pressing need to declare himself as such before society is what justifies their use.