The little road in Pretoria that intimidates runners

The little road in Pretoria that intimidates runners

There is a little known road in Pretoria named Tom Jenkins. It joins one of the roads that go to the Union Building, the seat of the government in South Africa. It's one of the steepest road and one of the toughest for runners and cyclists. It is so steep that only luxury cars can conquer it in a gear higher than the first gear.

We call the road Mr Jenkins, or just the mountain.

There's a certain point, at the bottom where the road makes a curve, where it is impossible to run. That's also the point where you start cursing and alternate between fighting the tears and hating the road.

The interesting thing about that road is that nobody ever turns back when they are on their way up. There is just something that propels you to finish and not give up, even though your lungs feel like they are about to explode and your heart feels like bursting. You'd rather rest but never give up.

Running or walking, it makes no difference, it's a tough road to do on foot. Many experienced runners avoid Tom Jenkins because they find it simply too hard.

But if you do have the courage to run or walk that route, you'll experience something magical, especially in the early morning when there are almost no cars around. You'll become aware of a presence so beautiful and calming, yet strengthening and encouraging. It's as if something so powerful is awakened within you that gives you courage to face your life.

When you look closely, it will seem as if the road has been carved out of the mountain. You can feel the ancient history and the many untold stories of the hands that build the road. In the stillness of the morning, with the sun rising over the mountains, and the breeze softly touching your skin, you know that you are part of something mysterious and powerful.

View from Tom Jenkins Road, with the Dept of International Relations in the background. Taken by Olivia Sambo

At the top, there is a spot under the trees where everything becomes still. There, the spiritual connection to nature is more profound and you feel one with the beauty around you. Its stillness is so profound that it stirs up a vast sea of calmness inside you.

Those runner who reached the top normally congratulates each other because each one knew what it took to reach the top.

There's a sense of togetherness and support when you meet each other on the mountain, simply because you are there. You've made it. And that makes you part of something great, even though no books will be written about it. But because you and the circle of runners know for that day you got up and went to the mountain.

Once you've conquered that mountain, you feel as if you can do anything. It fires you up in every way you can imagine.

And who was the actual Mr Jenkins? He was the mayor of Pretoria in 1944. The road was built during the Second World War by Italian prisoners of war and named after him.

This is another hidden gem of Pretoria. Go and experience it.

Olivia Sambo, Managing Director at Profits and Books Bookkeeping.


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