A little remembrance in someone's heart

A little remembrance in someone's heart

Our relationships, most importantly our deepest ones, should be grounded on giving and mutual respect, on the free and unforced gift of love. This gift of mutual love that brings together our bodies and souls, should be renewed each day possibly by a brief kiss saying thanks. We cannot and should not attempt to take ownership of another person or their feelings or their bodies or act on any sense of ownership even in a metaphorical way.

We can own cars and houses, things, not someone's body and soul. We exchange love as as a mutual gift. I understand this metaphor, but even as metaphor, I don't like what it implies as ownership fails when we speak about human freedom when separated temporarily by distance, then a simple thoughtful message will be the best substitute to renew this mutual exchange. Let me append a favorite poem: SONNET 44

If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,

Injurious distance should not stop my way;

For then despite of space I would be brought,

From limits far remote where thou dost stay.

No matter then although my foot did stand

Upon the farthest earth removed from thee;

For nimble thought can jump both sea and land

As soon as think the place where he would be.

But ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,

To leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,

But that so much of earth and water wrought

I must attend time's leisure with my moan,

Receiving nought by elements so slow

But heavy tears, badges of either's woe.

My answer to your question after this prologue:

I wish I could know, but cannot guess, the nature of the person who has clearly triggered your interest. The heartfelt response is for you to uncover the nature of this person through acts of kindness, attention, and caring. If you show this respect and caring about their thoughts and feelings, then you will have the chance to win their respect.

Out of respect grows the seed of love. Well you can never own anyone's heart besides yours. Therefore, just be what you are instead of faking what you aren't. And if u are talking about how to take up a place in someone's heart then the first thing you can do is show the person that you care and respect the person. Rest leave it on destiny because if you are meant to be with someone you will be anyhow.

It takes time to really know what is deep inside another human being. Sure, there are many clues that might tip you off early on, that this is a person you might want to know more about. For example, I think it’s important that someone be able to laugh at themselves. People who are to self serious, can often be rigid and closed off. You can often tell whether someone is thoughtful or considerate of others, the little things they do. If you’re at a café or restaurant, did they notice that you’re looking for something, or trying to get the attention of the waiter. If you’re feeling tired or not particularly well, do they ask how you’re doing.

Is the person really listening to you? Are they using conversation as a way to brag about their own accomplishments? Do they change the topic and make it about themselves? Are they really listening to you, or just going through the motions? While you can’t know exactly what’s in someone’s heart, if you allow yourself to be authentic and present, and really listen and observe, you can learn an awful lot. To really get deep, however, you’re going to have to be patient and stick around. This is why knowing some of the early signs can prevent you from getting too deep with the wrong people. Ultimately the best way to know what’s in someone’s heart, is to shut up and really listen. Cheers!

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

3 年

Excellent Post Kishoreji



