This little piggy went to market.
Priya Narasimhan
CEO and Founder, YinzCam? ? Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University.
If you want to start a company, don’t start with the money.
Start with a problem.
Size the market.
Size the competition.
Size your costs.
Answer those questions with unflinching honesty.
Problems are your biggest asset. Run towards them. Solve them.
But, remember that it ain’t a solution until a real user says so.
So, be ruthless about cutting out one-hit wonders—solutions that don’t encourage repeated use of the solution. Be ruthless about cutting out solutions that work for one, but not for many. Be ruthless about cutting out gimmicks—solutions that are all flash, and no substance. Be ruthless about cutting out solutions that you have to dress up—solutions that take multiple slides and fancy, hand-wavy graphics in a slide deck to explain.
Above all, be absolutely, firmly, uncompromisingly ruthless about cutting out solutions that have not met the taste test of real users.
The opinion of real users is the only currency that matters.
You have to fall in love with the problem, not the solution.
Your users have to fall in love with the solution, not the problem.
That’s how this little piggy went to market.
“Why is the problem a problem?” = often unasked, always important to tease out. ??