A Little More
Phil Gayter
Consultant and Creative Director at Brandstorm, Founding Partner Neulife Exchange
I recently got asked how I got my start in the business, and it occurred to me that start also means there is ultimately a finish. So, just like the proverbial "painting the Golden Gate Bridge" my start never ends. It is a continuous process. I started as an artist, a painter, and realized that I had a little more to offer so I pushed my creativity into advertising. I found I had a little more so I pushed myself into art direction. I was in Manchester, England and sensed I had a little more so pushed myself to London. I realized I had a little more so I became a copywriter/art director and eventually became a Creative Director. It dawned on me that I had a little more so I looked west and moved to the states to work for a global agency. I realized I had a little more so I became a Group Creative Director responsible for millions of dollars of creative advertising spend. I had a great deal more so I opened my own shop. I realized I had a little more, saw the industry change before my eyes, so I transitioned my experience into strategic thinking and creative problem-solving.
And so, it continues.
I realize I still have a little more ... and I am awaiting my next move.
Maybe you are a part of it?