A little more Hollywood, please.
OnPrpose Inc.
Strategy. Storytelling. Be clear about what you do and why. Then do a good job of telling stories to reflect that.
Did you know more than 50% of Hollywood movies follow the same plot line?
We love these movies. We eat them up like candy for the soul.
Star Wars, The Matrix, Dune and dozens of other action/adventure movies.
Also think:
Moana, Legally Blonde, Pretty Woman and Elf.
Same plot. Different Characters. Different challenges. Different transformation.
The same is true for ALL the business stories worth telling.
And we think they could use a little more Hollywood.
We call them UNboring stories of change?. It’s simple. There’s a before and an after with an inflection point in between.
Start with the hero of your story. Is it an employee, a team, a customer or an entire industry, maybe?
Add some stormtroopers, an evil royal family or a city that’s lost its Christmas spirit, and you’ve got all the drama you need.
P.S. Don’t forget your supporting elements, like: