Little Library Mouse reminds us that books—are still magical!
Stephanie Lisa Tara
Stephanie Lisa Tara Children's Books? | PRESERVE, CONSERVE, INSPIRE, TEACH? | Founded by a Mom who cares! | 30,000 fans
OVER 1.5 MILLION COPIES SOLD: At closing time a key locks the library, and unlocks the dreams of a little mouse who waits in the shadows.
"[A]h--libraries! Remember them? As kids, they were magical, even in this hectic tech world, Ms. Tara lulls us inside once again..." --New York Times
"[I]s there anything more precious than a literary mouse?..." --NPR
"[This book about books is a coffee table book itself...breathtaking illustrations live on every page..." --People
"[A]lex Walton's illustrations recall Arthur Rackham perfection...Tara's verse is a lovely companion..." --San Francisco Chronicle
"[C]alling all kids! Magic lives in the library! On a sentence you will sail..."--Los Angeles Times
"[M]agical...literary...whiskered....we love Little Library Mouse!" --Children's Library Discovery Center, Queens NY
"[E]ven when you are little, you can imagine big...yep, we are hooked...turn the page..." --Brentwood Library, Brentwood TN
"[I]'m alone, I pause, the clock goes library darkens, is that the key in the lock?" --Vancouver Community Library, Vancouver, WA
"[W]e read Little Library Mouse every Saturday morning at story never fails to win smiles!" --Laramie County Library, Cheyenne, WY
"[W]here do we begin? The verse has our kids on their feet clapping, thestunning illustrations have them enchanted. A celebrations of storygenres, books, libraries. This librarian gives Little Library Mouse anA+!" --ImaginOn: The Joe and Joan Martin Center, Charlotte, NC
"[L]ittle Library Mouse is the most checked-out book in our children's department, and has been for many years..." --Cerritos Millennium Library, Cerritos, CA
"[S]lipping and sliding down the pages of books...may it ever be so....!" --Birmingham Public Library Birmingham, Alabama
"[T]here is nothing more precious, than mice in the library reading books..." --Brentwood Library Brentwood, CA
"[W]hat do a mouse, a trapeze and a library have in common? The answer lies within the pages of the Little Library Mouse, by Stephanie Lisa Tara. A nameless mouse jumps into action, through rhyme, as the library is closed for the evening. We're invited on a journey as the mouse"sails on a sentence" and becomes library book characters, including a ship, a wild animal and a circus act. Tara enchants us with her storytelling as she makes a library tour exciting, encouraging literacy and reading. Little Library Mouse is to be applauded for its light-as-a-feather rhymes, a style Tara undoubtedly perfected while earning a B.A. in English. The illustrations, by Alex Walton, are bold,confident, full-page drawings of a mouse as he takes on the identity of the story he becomes. This exciting adventure is sure to please the preschooler set and would also make a great baby shower gift. It would also be an excellent jumping-off point for parent/teacher and child to create new rhymes, based upon Tara's format. Armchair Interviews says:This story, as with the Man on the Flying Trapeze,"floats through air with the greatest of ease." Bravo, Little Library Mouse...bravo!" --Armchair Interviews
"[E]ven when you are little you can imagine big, so begins this adorable book.Written in rhyme, the story begins as the clock goes tick-tock, is that the key in the lock? It is the end of the day and the library is closed. A white mouse dressed in a purple suit begins to tell of his adventures, of all the things he can be. With the help of books he can be a clown, a juggler, or a lady bug on a leaf. On the pages he flips, he finds good cheer in storybook trips. In winter he's snow spinning a silvery fable, frosted wilderness-white on the library table. He's a king, he's a queen, and upon all words he stands tall.He's red, he's yellow, and he's iridescent blue. Short stories are rainbows of sharp color and hue. He is paper, he is ink. He becomes any book he reads. He can read, he can imagine so can you, take a look. If you want to stimulate your child's imagination this is the book for you. It is colorful and fun to read.Who doesn't love cute little mice, as long as they are illustrated in books? Each page is filled with fantasy and wonder." -- Shirley Labusier, "Book Talk"