A little late hello to 2023!
Ever since I got a hang of my current work-from-home job there have been a lot of changes in the way I work and ultimately deal with life. Thanks to my ever-so-supportive partner, I was analysing the habits I want to cut in 2023 and the ones that I want to carry forward because they benefited me in 2022. And of course, the new habits I must develop to be more productive.?
No, not the 5 am kind of productive.
That isn’t my scene at all.
But I’ve learnt that it’s often the tiny changes that give us big results. At least for me, the big ones are too difficult and make me feel overwhelmed. Proud to admit that sticking to these small habits, this kind of self-discipline feels like a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy. Freedom from expectations and demands of others. Freedom from weakness and fear or doubt.?
3 Habits I Want To Carry Forward
I’m rather minimalistic about how I want to live my life. I want it to be simple and be free of unnecessary stress.
I have systems in place that keep my life sorted and keep it lean.
It’s just easier for me this way.
I don’t see a point in living a highly stressed out or stimulated life because I want to prioritise living.
This probably comes to me because I was a people pleaser (still a work-in-progress) and also indulged in comparison through social media so often that using it consciously now sets me free from that game.
Now, I couldn’t care less about likes or followers.
The content I enjoy is from people who aren’t famous, so there’s no correlation between fame and quality.
I also feel there’s no end to anything — money, growth, aesthetics. So why indulge in something that has no end to it?
My work life has been an improvisational zigzag through disparate worlds. It’s all because I was open to experimenting and trying new things.
Doing everything as an experiment instead of being attached to it helped.
Starting first and figuring it out later helped.
Experiment, you’ll never know unless you do.
2 Habits I Must Leave Behind
I’ve worked on not being reactive to people and not justifying my opinion. I don’t get the point of it; it’s an ego orgasm to play the I’m better than you game.
But I’m still defensive.
Not on social media, because that's where ignorance is bliss.
But in life, in general.
I hope to let this go, as I don’t want any external forces to influence my emotions.
I’m a very absent-minded person. Even as a kid, I’ve always been zoned out.
My family teases me by saying I have tunnel vision. While I’m mindful, I’m also usually lost in my own world. I’m terrible at navigation and sometimes slip out of a conversation when somebody is speaking to me.
Now, it’s reached a point where I’m embarrassed about it. Maybe because I am about to get married and I’m made aware of this more often.
I hope to be more present, truly listen with all my attention, and control my urge to cut somebody while they talk.
I don’t like it when somebody does it to me, so why should I do it to them?
These are some habits I analysed these two months. I’ll let you know about my progress and the new habits I work on as this year goes on.
I don’t think this will happen overnight. That approach to anything in life is a recipe for disappointment. But I will keep trying because I should be the person I aspire to be.
And I’ll try to pursue this by actively making an effort, giving myself time, and being patient with the process.