Little Known Stress Reduction Technique
Dillon Mitchell
The Engineering Partner For Electrical Contractors & Automating Electrical Design in Revit
You know how some things just hit you like a ton of bricks? Usually, the things that you say as an aside. Something that just slipped out. Personally, I think that this is your subconscious coming through because it’s not a thought you thought about. It’s just a thought that you said. That’s a little deep for right here and now, you know.
So I was having a conversation and talking about happiness. Whether I’m happy. Now, I don’t want to think about things in terms of happiness. Primarily because I’m happy when I’m drunk. I’m happy when I’m fooling around and not doing the things I know I should be doing. Which isn’t productive and then later I have shame and guilt associated with those actions.
Which got me thinking that there is an interesting line that we walk. Where we want to be happy. Really, we want to have a high vibration. Where we just feel good. We have a good feeling, now maybe you can call it happiness, but it’s just a good feeling. Something that stays with us and makes us feel good now and we know we aren’t going to regret anything later.
When this occurs we want to make sure that we are doing the right things and staying on the path. This is where the process is important and I’ll do another post on the process and why this is so important. Here’s the comment that I had as an aside. Really it was an observation from this last weekend that I had. From the training that I did and the time I put into it.
The entire weekend I was on my phone for maybe 20 minutes. Not that long at all. Others couldn’t be off their phones for any length of time. This just astounded me that they were so dependent on their phone they couldn’t leave it alone.
So my comment was that I felt so much better without my phone. I had less anxiety. I had less tension. Less stress. Every negative emotion was lower when I removed my phone from my life. Today, I had a marketing call, where I was present the entire time and was taking notes. I felt better on this call than any other because I was present the entire time.
My takeaway here is that, when you are present and you are focused on the thing that you’re doing, you are going to feel better. You’ll feel more accomplished and your energy will be higher. Call it happiness or just feeling good, I really don’t care. It’s a positive emotional state that brings more good things into your life.
Focus on what’s important. Focus on what matters. Now, that might take some time to think about what matters in your life and where your priorities are, but having that focused time to do your work and get it done is more important than just about anything else you can do. You’ll feel good, you’ll be productive and you’ll reduce your stress and anxiety along the way.