A Little-known Secret to Make Your Job Search Easier, More Effective, Faster, and Fun
You hear that sound?
It’s the sound of Americans quitting their jobs.
It’s what labor experts call “voluntary job-quitting.” And it’s on the rise. 2.8 million Americans walked off the job last November, according to the most recent stats from The Labor Department, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. That’s more than at any point since before the Great Recession.
Are you one of the happy quitters? Do you wish you were?
“I quit! I’m not taking anymore. Here’s my resignation!”
How many times have those thoughts gone through your head at work? Or are going through your head now?
And what's the problem with that happy “Slam” sound of the door closing behind that miserable old cuss of a boss? After the relief, the next sound that usually comes is: “Oh my god, what now?” And then the panicked job search begins and then the sound of “Groan.”
You’ve ended up in another unhappy job situation.
The sad fact is that most of the people who leave their jobs will end up in equally unsatisfying jobs. I see it all the time.
It’s because of what I call the number one mistake job-seekers make when looking for a job. It’s that they, well, they look for a job.
Odd, right?
Here’s a couple of the biggest problems with looking for a job.
- First, consider that only 20% of available jobs are ever posted or advertised. That means that there is no way you are going to know about 80% of the available jobs out there if you’re just looking for a job on Google.
- But here’s what’s worse. When you’re scouring monster dot com, you’re looking at jobs that somebody else has defined. When you read a job description, you automatically begin to think ‘well how can I fit into that’? I liken it to walking around looking at holes in a wall and trying to figure out how you are going to to fit into them. So you get out a knife and start whittling yourself down in order to squeeze in. And there’s blood all over. OUCH right? That’s why we are miserable in our jobs.
So what should you do? Well, the best way is a fully engaged process of exploring what you love and what your values are, coupled with what you’re really good at, and throw in some great networking. It can be easy and fun. And it does take some time and effort.
There is a simple, little-known secret that can work wonders all on its own that I’d like to share with you.
Here’s the secret: don’t look for jobs, look for people.
What I mean by that is that it’s easy to get caught up sitting at home in front of your computer sifting through job descriptions on Monster dot com, fantasizing about how you might fit into them.
Instead, you can still stay at home sifting through web pages, and still stay in fantasy world, just shift what you look for. Don’t look for jobs, look for people.
Look through LinkedIn profiles. Look at your contacts on Facebook. Look at people you know and see what they are doing and where they are working. Which of them are doing things that excite you or that you’re curious about? Which of them are working in places you dream about working, or might see yourself in?
For instance, when looking around LinkedIn you may see that your old colleague from a prior job is working at a fancy new company that you’ve fantasized about working at. Drop her an e-mail.
While perusing your Facebook friends you may remember that your uncle has been doing work that you’ve been wanting to do for many years but have been afraid to pursue. Give him a call.
Reach out to people doing work you find interesting or in places that you find intriguing and ask them to talk to you about what they do and about your career dreams and aspirations. They are more likely to provide you good advice and guidance than abstract job descriptions.
Remember fully 80 percent of the 5.4 million jobs available right now are not advertised anywhere. To find those 4.3 million jobs you need to find people who know about them.
Otherwise you’ll end up in a miserable job again.
Plus, isn’t it fun to catch up with Uncle Joe? Or your old water cooler buddies?
Let me know how you’ve found work that you love! Share your secrets with me and others here.
If you’re interested in learning more about how I assist others in finding work that they love, please visit career.innerOvation.com. There a free instructional video series on the subject there. Plus there’s a bonus 50% off offer for a teleclass that my career coaching colleague Brenda Loan Baker and I are starting next week on a full system for helping you land the type of career you fantasize about.
People find work they love all the time. You can too! Everyone can.
Let’s help each other live in a world where everyone loves their work!
P.S. If you or someone you know is looking to land a great job in 2016, please direct them to this free instructional video series not the topic at Career.innerOvation.com. There's also a limited-time offer for over 50% off on a class to help get to a great job, quickly and easily and without a lot of fuss. Thanks!