The little joys in life matter today!
AZ Gas price for Phoenix $1.99 with discount

The little joys in life matter today!

Amidst the global pandemic is it possible to give thanks for all things? This has always been a rather troubling verse from the Apostle Paul. How can I be commanded to be positive in the midst of ‘bad stuff’ happening? I was rather surprised to hear of a Muslim leader teach on a topic that seemed to suggest that good things can come out of the COVID -19 global crisis. Yet, there are church leaders who help expand our sight beyond the moment to see that all things do work together for our good ultimately ala Romans 8:28. 

This morning as I gassed up my truck I was shocked to see that I had a 60 cent discount. So, the gas price from 2 weeks ago was almost a dollar less with this discount. It’s rather easy to be thankful for a discount that saw my empty truck go back to full for under $40! (Yet, if I lived in the Midwest where the gas prices are under $1, I would truly be jumping for joy.) 

The real question is whether it’s possible for me, personally, to learn from unfortunate circumstances and be able to deal with the death of friends or even a close loved one! I had a conversation with a close younger friend who shared that her birth mom had just died on Monday from complications caused by COVID – 19. I was initially taken back by the fact that this young lady had intentionally been in contact with her birth mom. (I know her life story with an abusive mom, yet, her forever mom has helped shape this young lady into an incredible mom, wife and college grad.) The bigger picture, which I can learn from , is that she had chosen to be in touch with her birth mom over the years and shown her grace. The birth mom is the one who reached back to tell my friend that she was dying. Tragic, sad but sweet story of real love in the present tense. 

I admit that I have gotten annoyed with questions about my health reflecting upon my age and as to whether I’m practicing safe social distancing and staying low. I have thankful memories of my son along with other family asking or I should say telling Anne and I to ‘chill’ indefinitely. The reality, which is our choice, is that Anne is still working at the prison and I’m involved with food distribution. We both are doing our best to steer clear of people. 

I know that trying circumstances often bring out the best of people!! I have a close friend who has sacrificially given way beyond the norm to bless or I should say feed numerous families for the last 3 weeks. The fact that this individual is a schoolteacher makes this more rewarding because this friend lives out their faith in a tangible fashion. 

I have also struggled with James’ epistle where he says count it all joy when you face trials of all kinds. The simple fact is that I know personally that this will cause me to mature which will influence others around me. Also, being honest and attempting transparency, I lose it at times with the hardship that many face today because of the greed of myself and others that aren’t willing to share God’s blessings with others. 

It is possible to share and care while practicing social distancing! 


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