...MMCA=> "Modern_Minimum_Climate_Alarm"? ...With 3 Strong Questions About  ...Little Ice Age ...River Thames ...Frost_Fairs_Again_Soon ?

...MMCA=> "Modern_Minimum_Climate_Alarm" ...With 3 Strong Questions About ...Little Ice Age ...River Thames ...Frost_Fairs_Again_Soon ?

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Over the past 3 centuries on earth, solar irradiance went from 1363,5Watt per square meter during the 17th century "Maunder Minimum" to 1366,5Watt per square meter during the 20th century "Modern Maximum" but in 1977, the "Modern Minimum" started to bring us toward a new "Mini Ice Age" in the "Eddy Minimum" or "Modern Minimum".

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After 4 weakening 11 year solar cycles 21, 22, 23, 24, the solar irradiance is now 0,5Watt per square meters down already to get 3Watt per square meters down into the new "Mini Ice Age" of the 22th century ?

In a linear approximation with -0,5Watt per square meters in 44 years, we might expect that it would take 6x44years=264years to get deep down into this new "Mini Ice Age" and 264+1977A.D.=2241A.D. but 2 strong questions now :

  1. What kept "global warming" coming during the past half century of weakening solar activity ?
  2. What may speed up the sudden cooling that we might see coming for the next 10 generation of humanity ?
  3. River Thames frost fairs again soon now ?

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Question 1

What kept "global warming" coming during the past half century of weakening solar activity ?

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Answer 1

Water latent heat kept "global warming" coming during the past half century of weakening solar activity !

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In the event of weakening solar activity, latent heat can keep the temperature of clouds and ocean water and pole ice stable isothermally for as long as the water vapor=>liquid water 540cal/gm=2265kJ/kg and the waterliquid=>solid ice 80cal/gm=334kJ/kg, are moving horizontally on the latent heat lines in the water diagram of the heat to temperature conversion curve.

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But global warming/cooling is first about heat and then in the second step, about temperature.

  • Thermometers can measure temperature rise/fall as a result of sensible heat exchange.
  • Thermometers can not measure heat.
  • Thermometers can evidently not measure latent heat.

Latent heat or "hidden heat" is what has confused many scientists in the past until the term was introduced around 1762 by?Scottish?chemist?Joseph Black. It is derived from the Latin?latere?(to lie hidden). Black used the term in the context of?calorimetry?where a heat transfer caused a volume change in a body while its temperature was constant.

In contrast to latent heat,?sensible heat?is energy transferred as?heat, with a resultant temperature change in a body.

Question 2

What may speed up the sudden cooling that we might see coming for the next 10 generation of humanity ?

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Answer 2

Soon as we run out of latent heat from the cloud water vapor => liquid condensation and the ocean liquid water liquid => pole ice freezing ...

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Then the sudden atmospheric cooling comes and then, with century-long-latent-heat-delay, thermometers will start to see atmospheric temperature drop.

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Since the 1977 start of the solar weakening, we have seen -3% cloudiness condensation from 63,5% cloudiness to 60,5% cloudiness with condensational-latent-heat-global-warming-enthalpi producing 850ZJ-450ZJ=400ZJ latent heat for more global warming until the sudden cooling can come ...

  • But as long as cloud cover can keep on condensing and deliver more condensational-latent-heat-global-warming-enthalpi ... thermometers can measure a little more residual global warming near earth surface under the condensing clouds ...

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Although satellite thermometry begins to see the difference ... above the condensing clouds ...

Question 3

River Thames frost fairs again soon now ?

Melting/freezing point of water depends a lot on purity versus pollution.

  • Is UK-London polluting the Thames a lot or not ?

Pollution may delay the time to see fancy fairs and trade fairs again on ice on the river Thames but history learns us :

River Thames frost fairs were held on the?tideway?of the?River Thames?in?London,?England?in some winters, starting at least as early as the late 7th century[2]?until the early 19th century. Most were held between the early 17th and early 19th centuries during the period known as the?Little Ice Age, when the river froze over most frequently. During that time the British winter was more severe than it is now, and the river was wider and slower, further impeded by the 19 piers of the medieval?Old London Bridge?which were removed in 1831.

Even at its peak, in the mid-17th century, the Thames in London froze less often than modern legend sometimes suggests, never exceeding about one year in ten except for four winters between 1649 and 1666. From 1400 until the removal of the medieval London Bridge in 1831, there were 24 winters in which the Thames was recorded to have frozen over at London.[3]?The Thames freezes over more often upstream, beyond the reach of the tide, especially above the?weirs, of which?Teddington Lock?is the lowest. The last great freeze of the higher Thames was in 1962–63.[4]

Frost fairs were a rare event even in the coldest parts of the Little Ice Age. Some of the recorded frost fairs were in 695, 1608, 1683–84, 1716, 1739–40, 1789, and 1814. Recreational cold weather winter events were far more common elsewhere in Europe, for example in the?Netherlands. These events in other countries as well as the?winter festivals and carnivals?around the world in present times can also be considered frost fairs. However, very few of them have actually used that title.

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During the?Great Frost of 1683–84, the most severe frost recorded in England,[5][6][7]?the Thames was completely frozen for two months, with the ice reaching a thickness of 11 inches (28?cm) in London. Solid ice was reported extending for miles off the coasts of the southern?North Sea?(England, France and the?Low Countries), causing severe problems for shipping and preventing the use of many harbours.[8]

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Anyway :


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In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But :

Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival

Alexis Pilotelle

Energy expert - Technical advisor - Project lead

1 年

Solar activity seems to be driving clouds cover to some extend via increased/reduced amount of cosmic rays getting into the atmosphere. There is little lag between the two, about a few days. So if solar irradiance (I assume that it is the same than solar activity?) is reducing (or stabilizing as suggested in your first graph), it should help with clouds formation and go toward more clouds cover which is not the case. It would work against the fundamental trend of having less clouds but can't reverse it, pointing to the phenomenon to be of secondary importance. This is a key parameter because most of the ECS calculations are relying on major water feedback and at least some stability when it comes to relative humidity. If the relative humidity goes down with altitude, we are likely to see a much smaller feedback effect. Any other thoughts?

Alexis Pilotelle

Energy expert - Technical advisor - Project lead

1 年



