Little Hands that Paint!
Kids love to express their feelings through art just like us. Kids follow their passion and heart. Kids love imagination and imprint them on paper. Colors provides them that platform to perform. And so I believe that Painting is an extremely important interest to develop and to keep it for ever!
Kids enjoy colors. They enjoy the texture of the colors. Haven’t you observed your kid using hands to paint more than using a paintbrush? Yes? They love the texture of the paints. The sensory feeling they get is extremely important to get them used to colors, textures, art and imagination.
And so as an Occupational Therapist I prefer to start art skills during early months and I personally did that with my daughter. At the age of 2 months – I used a ziplock and a white paper, dropped a few drops of colors and then zipped the lock. Next I put that near my baby girl who was learning to control her head in prone position, and she was extremely amazed by the bright and contrasting colors under her eyes. She started to ‘REACH’ for it, ‘smash’ color droplets with her tiny hands and much more!
Art piece by Mahi Shah at the age of 2 months
That day and today she has not looked back. I provide colors everywhere in the house. She can use use chalks, paint colors, sketch pens, washable sketch pens, washable crayons and finger paints. I am sharing a few paint ideas that made her learn new developmental skills, curiosity, social skills of sharing materials with mom and of course peers in the school, and vocabulary when she asks for a specific material or color.
Sharing some ideas of coloring fun with little one in this blog. I hope you will enjoy doing with your child.
Art piece by Mahi shah at the age of 2 years
Paint your face
Materials: A mirror (baby mirror of course that will not break) + Brush + any one or two color.
Instructions: Draw your face!
The child will look at his face in the mirror and draw his/her own portraits.
Paint on Reusable Water Paper
Materials: Reusable water paper + any brush + water
This tool is a ‘must have’ for infants (6months+) and toddlers. If you stick that on your wall aka vertical surface which is most important surface to start postural muscles, shoulder to hand coordination, visual development for tracking and recognition and improves side-walking abilities. This paper is reusable so once dries your little one can draw again and again. Awesomeness!!
Hand Painting
Materials: Finger paints + paper
let the sensory play begin! ??
Restaurant fun
And when she is into painting, she wants it everywhere. This natural and beginners skill is so much helpful to get a family lunch outside. Almost every restaurant provides crayons and some art piece to color as they provide high-chair. And yes, kids just love it. They start coloring, scribbling, drawing lines and shapes etc. even though they are provided with just one piece of paper and a crayon at restaurants.
First canvas painting by Mahi shah at the age of 1 year and 1 month
First Canvas!
Tiniest canvas with easel are available in the market. When you do a big art on your easel how come the tiny human left behind? They like to behave like adults and copy parents. So this mini canvas with mini easel is so good to have handy on their art-station. Trust me you will keep that first professional art-piece in your show-case for life. Isn’t that so pretty?
Art piece by Mahi Shah at the age of 2 years and 7 months
Happy Painting, Little hands!!!