Little Guy 1 - HMRC 0
Can the small business man overcome HMRC in full on bullying mode.
Answer - Yes if you come to Sedulo for some help. We have recently been engaged to assist a young man whom HMRC were bullying into attending a meeting with two officers and into providing personal bank statements for a period of 6 years. The justification for this being that this person operated as self employed for the first 6 months of his working life in 2013, subsequent to this he has been employed and paid all taxes due under PAYE.
We were approached and asked to review all of the correspondence and evidence already provided to HMRC by our unwitting client. In this case it was abundantly clear that HMRC were simply on a fishing exercise, without any care for the distress and anxiety that their heavy handed correspondence caused.
After setting out all of the salient facts in a couple of phone conversations and one letter, HMRC have agreed that their actions are unwarranted and closed their Enquiry with a written apology to our client, confirming that no additional tax liabilities arise.