A Little Goes A Long Way

A Little Goes A Long Way

We’re a tired society constantly seeking energy for our days. And many of us chase that surge through drinking mega or multiple cups of coffee or energy drinks with high amounts of caffeine. So, it can boost our ability to run a bit more, but it may have significant impacts on heart health, according to a new study presented at American College of Cardiology Asia 2024 held in August in Delhi, India.

Researchers from Zydus Medical College and Hospital in India show that excessive caffeine consumption raises heart rate and blood pressure, especially in people who consume more than 400 mg daily.

The study involved 92 healthy adults aged 18 to 45 who consumed caffeine regularly, with nearly 20% consuming higher amounts. Of the participants, researchers found that those who consumed more than 400 mg caffeine every day exhibited elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and these effects were more pronounced in those whose caffeine intake exceeded 600 mg daily.

These high amounts of caffeine trigger the autonomic nervous system, which puts stress on the heart, and over time, can lead to adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.?

Many people might drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day because it just tastes good, and they like the evocative feelings that coffee sipping produces. But it’s more likely that most caffeine drinkers consume these beverages for the energy stimulation.

It’s a vicious circle because the more caffeine you drink, the more crashes will occur, necessitating caffeine refills to bring them back in the running.

Imagine a one-and-done caffeine product that puts a hard stop to that vicious cycle, resulting in less pressure on the heart.

CaffXtend Breaks the Cycle

CaffXtend? provides 12 hours of caffeine support without the jitters, the spikes and the crash.

CaffXtend? is formulated to ensure consumers receive the benefits of caffeine are experienced for an extended duration without the side effects. CaffXtend? features Nutriventia’s proprietary modified-release technology, allowing for eight to 12 hours of reliable energy and sustained alertness in one dose.

In a study comparing CaffXtend? to regular caffeine, those taking CaffXtend? experienced statistically significant reduction in jitters and statistically significant improvement in alertness across multiple time points as compared to caffeine.

With more energy sustained and no crashes, people can reduce the amount of caffeine in their systems, and thus, protect their heart health.



