Little Or No Empathy
It was a bit of a weirdish Friday, and most of the 'ish' stemmed from a phone call which came in from a young gentleman I know who wanted to share another conversation he'd had with a dotard whom for whatever reason, has enjoyed stirring the pot with others nearly his entire life, and since I'm pretty familiar with his immediate family, I'd come to the conclusion a number of years ago, that it must be a genetic predisposition with them. I guess what puzzled me the most, was the amount of wasted time it took to look up public information regarding that young gentleman's recent business decision, and then seek him out to simply let him know he'd done it, which had absolutely nothing to do with that old duffer. All I could say to my caller, was to simply dismiss everything he said because that's all he wanted to do was start stirring a pot in hopes the young gentleman would say something he'd regret. Yes, we definitely live in a bloated village with one too many seniors who enjoy getting into the business of others. Believe me, I have little or no empathy to spare for such people because as far as I'm concerned, they've got absolutely nothing positive to contribute towards the betterment of our community and world.
After having completed all the needed research on my listing at 2708 - 19th St. SW, I placed another call to the prospective buyer who phoned yesterday, and after relaying all the added information I'd gathered, he was even more interested in the property, so as of today, it looks like we may be getting an offer on it. After having spoken with him for the third time, I'd say his plans for it would have a positive impact on the neighborhood as a whole. I was quick to mention how expensive the twin homes are which are located not even two blocks from that site, so I would highly doubt he'd have much of a problem selling anything he builds. It's unfortunate the owners of Anderson's Market hasn't called back, because that site would also be a great place to build and expand their business.
One of my past clients stopped by this afternoon, just to give me the timelines regarding his relocating back to Mason City, just so I could start looking for something in his price range to either buy or rent. He's currently going thru an unfortunate situation which has created a need for him to get closer to his relatives. I'm starting to find more and more seniors are making some life-altering decisions which you'd think they would've made years before. After living with someone for two or three decades, wouldn't you think riding it out the rest of the way would be in the best interest of both? Oh well, I guess we can't make any judgement calls because we're not walking in their shoes.
After having a good sleep on it last night, I decided to do another paying it forward with a long-time acquaintance of mine who's been in desperate need of someone to get a great deal of personal items bagged up and sent to the landfill, so it looks like I'll be spending a number of free hours over there this weekend, and as of right now, the only appointment I have, is a short one mid-morning.
My buyer who's been out-bid a number of times these past months, asked if I had time to go over to his home, just to get some of his questions answered, which I did, and once I had him up to speed, I insisted he remain patient because there is a perfect-fit home for him that has not yet hit the market. Thank goodness he's not entered the bonkers stage like some of the other buyers who'd gone way over asking price in the many bidding wars that've been taking place. In time, I'll wager they'll be part of that 35% group of homeowners who purchased homes after the pandemic started, who're now wishing they didn't, and only because the reality of owning a home finally set in. Yes, there's more to being a homeowner than simply making payments to the bank because there's general maintenance and upkeep, major repairs, broken appliances that can't be fixed, increased insurance premiums, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, the dollar can only be stretched so far.
While out paying a bill today, I couldn't help noticing something which I'll have to share with those who've been closely watching a certain person's rise in stature which was entirely undeserved, and now providing one more example of how the buddy system works in our city, so just remember, in this town, it's not what you know that means a tinker's darn, but rather who you've been sucking up to. Oh how I pray for the return of standard practices.
The highlight of my day, happened to be the soulful chat I had with a near perfect stranger regarding the changes that have taken place within our society, and most of it centering around the accumulation of money, and the mindset of the world revolving around them. Some of the thoughts he was sharing, were so close to my beliefs, I was beginning to think he was reading my mind. Once again, I blame much of it on parenting, and the remainder on the many social medias.
Tonight's One-liner is: Selfish persons are incapable of loving others, but they're not capable of loving themselves either.
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