- Tempering - It gives life on end dish, this is my best part of cooking Nepalese foods specially Daal, Kadi. Jimu is onion , garlic , mustard, red chilli are best for tempering.
- Browned onions – white onion cooked low and slow till browned and caramelised. Thus producing a sweet and rich flavour and this give richness in curry specially meat dishes.
- Cashews – this will provide the creaminess and richness as I don’t use any additional cream. Soaked cashews blitzed with water at the end can form a cashew cream for garnishing if desired, This not normally do in Nepali Kitchen but available why not ?
- Sputtering whole spices- gives depth flavour in food, oil splatter comes from ingredients releasing small amounts of liquid into the hot oil. Once the tiny water droplets come into contact with the oil on the pan, they vaporize into gas right away. This process of tiny flavour explosions in your pot.
- Ground spices – provides further flavouring but has to be well cook, they why curry taste better next day because it release all flavours and infused with meat and vegetable.
- Jaggery – I don't like very hot , or sour or bitter food so i always try to balance with sweet sour and hot to provide sweetness because we all need a little balance, right? This is only a small amount but essential to balance the natural, bitter, hot and acidity
- Ghee- Rice and curries finishing with ghee gives the best final result.