A Little Bit About My Story
Shine Kelly
Elevating Personal & Planetary Wellbeing ~ UNITE is an Eco-Wellness Marketplace & Community Connection Platform
I grew up in a loving family. I played & taught ice hockey goaltending, and was very active. I loved focusing on one thing, first thing I can remember was origami, then hockey, then music, then business.
My dad died when I was 15 of cancer, and my mom went into a deep depression. Despite being a PhD psychologist and having enough money to pay for the best help, she struggled (understandably). After 5 years of depression, she happened upon a process called The Journey (www.thejourney.com), and after a 2h session she says she's never felt depressed since.
This made me aware of "alternative" therapies that can be very useful. My mom then introduced me to Abraham-Hicks, and I started becoming aware of the power our thoughts & feelings have on our reality. I had many experiences that were so specific, that I knew something else was going on besides chance or seeing a blue car because I was thinking about them.
I began to really dive into learning about meditation & other wellness practices. I felt I had finally found "my people" when I moved to Victoria B.C. (I grew up in Vancouver). These people were often artists or healers, and many were so talented, but most of them were not financially well off. I started thinking, that if these people, who had huge loving hearts, and wanted to change the world for the better, could really master finances, then the world would be a better place.
I began feeling a bit stuck, although I loved working with kids & people with amazing abilities like Down's Syndrome, I also felt a deep desire to impact the world in a powerful, positive way. I had considered life coaching, but felt too young and inexperienced, and also felt it would not have the impact I wanted. I was also actively writing & performing music (uplifting guitar singer-songwriter songs & chants) but felt that was not enough impact for me either. Looking back I would have been more open to go with the flow, and not need my current thing to be the BIG thing.?
I was clearly guided to move back to Vancouver. I was traveling to transformational festivals like Beloved, and every time I was super happy I would see pictures of Vancouver. It happened so much that I asked, "what's this about?", and I got very clear words back that this was where I was supposed to move next, that this was my home.
I started being very interested in Shark Tank and Dragon's Den, even though I had very little business knowledge or experience. I happened upon successful entrepreneurs who saw something in me and gave me jobs. I had learned about marketing from putting on concerts (I was always the social co-ordinator of my high school friends group). I started getting some ideas for different apps & projects. I actually gathered a group of people and mapped out a simple version of Facebook before I had heard of them.
I started an events company with a beautiful woman (Kristall) who was dating, and we ran community & wellbeing events like yoga beach parties, sober yacht dance parties, full dome projection sound bath & story telling shows, meditations in the bio-dome & much more! Over 120 events from 2016-2020. We made $275k and sold over 7000 tickets. It was enough to live on but not much more.
There was this idea for an app that would help event producers (& other wellness businesses) like us sell our offerings more quickly, & with far less work. Like how Airbnb works. We started mapping it out & finally took the plunge to focus on it full time after covid shut our events down.
We met our amazing tech team (Swaty & Arun) and had some pre-seed money from covid relief & Kristall's amazing mum & a few friends. We built our MVP and now we're ready to find that product market fit!
Our next steps are launching our UNITE Mastermind program, supporting wellness entrepreneurs with the inner game of business, as well as sharing some tactical advice & bringing in some special guests.
We're also launching the LoveStream, which is like Clubhouse for wellness with video. Think yoga classes, meditations, uplifting conversations, coaching programs etc.
www.unite.love has all the juice! Hope to see you soon!