A little bit of Bruce…
Philippa Bottrill
Owner of Balance, Newark's Pilates & Low Back Pain Studio, and of Rapid Transformational Therapy with Philippa Bottrill
I popped down to London a weekend or so ago to listen to Bruce Lipton's lecture (he wrote The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect which I read some years ago). I found both very powerful, but The Biology of Belief was hardgoing for me as it was so scientific, although it had some of the most interesting concepts and observations. Hearing him speak and the way he got the information across in such a simple, effective manner was fantastic and really helped me to 'get it'.
The 3Es group knew I had been down and were keen to hear a little about it, so I wanted to share one of the most important parts with you all.
Bruce Lipton was a biologist and it was his research that lead to a revolution in Biology. He discovered through his research that Genes do not control our biology. Up until then (and actually for many years after he discovered this), we all thought that our Genes controlled our destiny: whatever Genes we were born with would be our biology and that was it, we would have a blueprint for our life.
What Bruce Lipton discovered is that you cannot predict your life by reading your Genes, and in fact it is life experiences that determine whether they will be active or not.
A whole new field called Epigenetics has since evolved.
What does this mean to us? Well, we now know that we can change our Genes, it is how we respond to the world that changes Genes. The majority of us our born with 'good/normal' Genes and it is being in a non-supportive environment that causes the changes and activates Genes.
Now, this does NOT mean to say that if you're ill it is your fault! What it does mean though, is that we can take so much more responsibility for our health - physical and mental health - how empowering is that?
Stress plays a huge part in our mental and physical health, so let's not forget there are 3 branches to stress:
Trauma - Physical Stress
Toxins - Chemical Stress
Thought - Emotional Stress
When we are living in a constant place of stress, which most of us are, and, yes I'm including myself in this, we are changing the expression of our Genes - this can lead to dis-ease.
We are literally living out of harmony with ourselves.
I have been working on cleaning up my environment (and am still doing so) and making it more supportive for me. I know I still have a long way to go, but as I always say, I'm making small consistent changes to my life:
This year I have rearranged my schedule so that I teach fewer classes and free up more time to do some of the other things I'm also passionate about: RTT (hypnosis), Soul Realignment, setting up the 3Es, writing my first book.
I am more careful about not taking on too much - this is definitely a work in progress!
I am committed to making as much of what I eat as I can organic
I have changed all the cleaning products in my house to be natural and eco-friendly - no chemicals
All my skincare and make up is natural - no chemicals
No air fresheners in the house that are not natural, including candles
Using supplements and diet to help with menopause - this is a tough one!
Attending Pippa's Pilates class so that I can work on my own body
Attending Kundalini for the same reason, and going on a retreat next year purely for me
Being in nature as much as possible
Not letting the small stuff irritate me
Doing more fun things (either by myself or with others)
Rediscovering my art
Trying new recipes
Having more conversations
Not having to be right
Making my home a nicer environment and decluttering (!)
Never watching the news
and so on.
The point is to embrace the new knowledge, don't let it overwhelm you but allow it to inspire you to make little changes - these make the difference to the quality of our lives.
Changing just one thing will start the ripple effect and that's when the magic happens